

词组 reduction
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + REDUCTION | REDUCTION + VERB | REDUCTION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, great, large, major, marked, significant, substantial 大量缩减;大幅减少;显著降低The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected.这些变动可能导致超出我们预期的更多雇员的裁减。dramatic, drastic, huge, massive, remarkable, severe 急剧下降;锐减;大量减少;明显减少;严重减少a sale with massive reductions on selected items指定商品的大幅降价销售minor, modest, slight, small 小幅降低;适度减少;稍稍减少;少量缩减tenfold, fiftyfold, etc. 减少为(原来的)十分之一、五十分之一等further 进一步减少possible 可能的减少actual, net, overall, real 实际缩减;净减少;总减少across-the-board, general 全面减少;总体上缩减rapid, sharp, steep 迅速减少;急剧缩减slow 缓慢减少immediate, sudden 立即/突然减少gradual, progressive, steady 逐步减少;稳步减少initial 初步减少recent 近期减少long-term, permanent 长期缩减proposed 提议的缩减percentage 百分比降幅A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.材料成本的小幅降低会带来利润的大幅提高。cost, debt, deficit, pay, price, tariff, tax, wage 成本降低;债务减少;赤字削减;薪金削减;价格降低;关税降低;税额减少;工资降低emission, noise, pollution, waste 排放物减少;噪音降低;污染减少;废物减少harm, pain, risk, stress 伤害减轻;疼痛减轻;风险减少;压力减少a drug strategy which prioritizes harm reduction以减轻伤害为先的用药方案poverty 减贫The IMF claims to put poverty reduction at the heart of its policies.国际货币基金组织声称,减贫是其各项政策的核心。size, weight 尺寸减少;重量下降The result is a 75 to 80% size reduction.结果是尺寸减少了 75% 至 80%。breast 乳房缩小She had a breast reduction last year.去年她做了个缩胸手术。staff 人员裁减arms, troop 武器/军队裁减VERB + REDUCTIONachieve, make, secure 实现缩减The government has found it difficult to make real reductions in spending.政府发现要真正缩减开支很困难。Every effort is made to secure the highest possible reduction in casualties.采取了一切措施最大限度地减少伤亡人数。cause, lead to, make, produce, result in 造成降低;导致减少;引起缩减These simple changes will make a substantial reduction in the fat content of your diet.这些小小的改变会大大减少你饮食中的脂肪含量。avoid 避免减少ask for, demand, seek 要求降低;请求缩减I asked for a reduction as the dress was damaged.裙子有点儿毛病,因此我要求降价。require 要求减少get, receive 得以减少Guests staying 14 nights will receive a 10% reduction.入住 14 天的客人可享有 10% 的优惠。experience, have 减少The company has had a reduction in sales.公司的销售额减少了。suffer 遭到缩减They suffered a severe reduction in income.他们的收入锐减。accept, welcome (especially BrE) 接受/欢迎缩减I welcome the reduction in road traffic fatalities.我乐于看到道路交通事故死亡人数的下降。give (sb), offer (sb) 给予(某人)缩减propose 建议削减She proposed a reduction in the state president's powers.她建议削减总统的权力。notice, observe, see 注意到减少;看到降低Police said they had noticed a significant reduction in crime last year.警方说他们注意到去年的犯罪率大幅下降。announce 宣布削减The gas company has announced price reductions for all customers.煤气公司已宣布对所有顾客给以降价。mean, represent 意味着/相当于减少Our average margins dropped to 35%, which represents a reduction in gross margins of £109 million.我们的平均利润率降到了 35%,这意味着毛利减少了 1.09 亿英镑。demonstrate, show 显示下降Figures just released show a steady reduction in levels of emissions over the last four years.刚刚公布的数字显示,近 4 年的废气排放量在逐步降低。REDUCTION + VERBoccur, take place 降低出现;减少发生REDUCTION + NOUNtarget 减少⋯的目标the government's waste reduction targets政府减少浪费的目标PREPOSITIONthrough a/the reduction 通过降低economic growth through a reduction in interest rates通过降低利率促进经济增长reduction by ⋯的降幅reduction by 30%减少 30%reduction from, reduction in 从⋯的减少;在⋯方面的降低There has been a sharp reduction in the number of accidents on our roads.我们的交通事故锐减。reduction of ⋯的减少a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions二氧化碳排放的减少reduction on 按⋯计算的减少a 25% reduction on normal subscription rates相比正常订阅费 25% 的降幅reduction to 至⋯的减少a reduction in the speed limit from 50 to 40 miles per hour速度限制从每小时 50 英里减至每小时 40 英里PHRASESa reduction in numbers 数量降低Asian elephants have experienced a 50% reduction in numbers over the last three generations.在过去的 3 代人之间,亚洲象的数量减少了一半。They are concerned about the reduction in numbers of people eligible for legal aid.有资格接受法律援助的人数减少,他们对此颇为关注。a reduction in the amount of sth, a reduction in the number of sth, a reduction in the size of sth ⋯数量/数目/尺寸的减少the reduction in the number of hospital beds医院床位的减少




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