

词组 smoking
释义 smoking


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SMOKING | SMOKING + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEchain, heavy 一支接一支的吸烟;抽烟很凶passive (BrE) 被动吸烟the dangers of passive smoking被动吸烟的危害teen (especially NAmE) , teenage, underage 青少年吸烟The campaign aims to reduce teen smoking.此项活动的目的是让更多的青少年不吸烟。cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco 抽雪茄;抽香烟;抽烟斗;抽烟叶cannabis (especially BrE) , marijuana (especially NAmE) 吸大麻VERB + SMOKINGstart, take up 开始吸烟give up (especially BrE) , quit (especially NAmE) , stop 戒烟I'm trying to stop smoking.我正在戒烟。cut down on (especially BrE) , reduce 减少吸烟The doctor advised me to cut down on smoking and alcohol.医生建议我少抽烟喝酒。ban 禁止吸烟allow 允许吸烟SMOKING + NOUNhabit 烟瘾ban 禁止吸烟A total smoking ban has been imposed throughout the building.整栋大楼已经完全禁烟。room 吸烟室PHRASESa ban on smoking 禁止吸烟the dangers of smoking, the effects of smoking 吸烟的危害/影响a study of the harmful effects of smoking有关吸烟害处的研究no smoking 禁止吸烟The company has a strict no-smoking policy.这家公司有严格的禁止吸烟的规定。smoking-related death 与吸烟有关的死亡smoking-related disease, smoking-related illness (especially BrE) 与吸烟有关的疾病




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