

词组 photograph
释义 photograph


( photo) ADJECTIVE | VERB + PHOTOGRAPH | PHOTOGRAPH + VERB | PHOTOGRAPH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEold, recent 旧照片;近照early, vintage 早期/老式照片black-and-white, colour/color, sepia 黑白/彩色/深褐色照片We looked through her old black-and-white photographs.我们翻阅了她的黑白老照片。blurred, blurry, fuzzy, grainy, out-of-focus 模糊不清的照片;颗粒状的照片;聚焦不准的照片a fuzzy black-and-white photograph一张模糊不清的黑白照片The newspaper published a grainy photograph of her.报纸上刊登了她的一幅麻面照片。This photograph is out of focus.这张照片对焦不准。faded 褪色的照片clear, sharp 清晰的/成像锐利的照片The photographs were clear and sharp.这张照片非常清晰。action 动态照片The book is illustrated with 96 action photographs.这本书有 96 幅动态照片插图。beautiful, excellent, good, great, lovely, stunning, superb, wonderful 美丽的/出色的/漂亮的/非常好的/可爱的/令人难忘的/上好的/精彩的照片good-quality, high-quality, high-resolution 高品质的相片;高清晰度的照片glossy 光面照片framed 装框的照片signed 签名照studio 摄影棚里拍的照片group, team (especially BrE) 集体照portrait 肖像照family 家庭照片wedding 结婚照school (especially BrE) (usually school picture in NAmE) 全班照cover, magazine, newspaper, press 封面/杂志上的/报纸上的/新闻照片The cover photograph of one magazine showed a dying soldier.一本杂志上的封面照片是一名奄奄一息的士兵。publicity 宣传照片documentary 纪实照片archival (NAmE) , archive (BrE) 档案照片historic, historical, period 历史/具时代特征的照片famous 著名照片the famous photograph of Che Guevara切・格瓦拉的著名照片fashion 时装照片passport, passport-sized 护照照片;与护照照片一样大小的照片enlarged 放大的照片close-up 特写照片still 静物照片Frame the subject in the video viewfinder as you would for a still photograph.就像你拍静物照片时那样,在录像机的取景器里框定拍摄对象。aerial, satellite 航拍/卫星照片satellite photographs of Beijing北京的卫星照片digital, Polaroid 数码/宝丽来一次成像照片infrared 红外照片indecent (BrE, law 法律) , pornographic 不雅/淫秽照片He admitted offences of possessing indecent photographs of children.他承认了藏有儿童不雅照片的罪行。VERB + PHOTOGRAPHget, shoot, take 拍照I got some great photographs of the party.我搞到了那次聚会一些非常棒的照片。Can I have my photograph taken with you?我可以和你一起拍张照片吗?I spent the day taking photographs of the city.我花了一整天的时间拍摄这座城市的照片。compose 对照片进行构图pose for 摆好姿势拍照We posed for a group photograph.我们摆拍了一张集体照。make 适宜入镜The sun rising over the horizon would have made a good photograph.太阳从地平线上升起的景象会是一幅美丽的照片。copy, develop, print 复印/冲洗/打印照片I can't wait till the photographs have been printed.我等不及把那些照片印出来。I prefer to print my digital photographs.我喜欢把我的数码照片打印出来。blow up, enlarge 放大照片A photograph of them is blown up to fill two full pages.他们的一张照片被放大,占了两个整版。editing software that enables you to enlarge and crop photographs可以放大和剪裁照片的编辑软件Click on individual photographs to enlarge them.点击单幅照片,可以放大。touch up 修饰照片The photograph has been touched up to conceal her scar.照片已经过修饰以掩盖她的伤疤。crop 裁切照片mount 裱贴照片I cropped the photograph and mounted it on some card.我把照片裁了一下,然后贴到一张小卡片上。scan, scan in 扫描/扫描输入照片I scanned in some photographs of the family to send to friends by email.我扫描了一些家人的照片,通过电子邮件发送给朋友。She scans each photograph into her computer.她把每一张照片都扫描进了她的电脑。download, upload 下载/上传照片Upload your photographs to one of these sites.将你的照片上传到其中一家网站。post 张贴照片I'm learning how to post photographs on my blog.我正在学习如何在博客上发照片。store 存储照片the photographs stored on the memory card内存卡上存储的照片publish, release 发表/发布照片The next day they published photographs of the kidnappers.第二天,他们登出了绑架者的照片。a couple of photographs released by news agencies通讯社发布的几张照片feature 把照片特写The first issue featured a photograph of Martha Graham on the cover.第一期封面上登载了玛莎・格雷厄姆的特写照片。PHOTOGRAPH + VERBappear 照片出现Her photograph appeared in all the papers.她的照片出现在所有报纸上。depict sth, document sth, illustrate sth, reveal sth, show sth 照片展示⋯capture sth 照片捕捉到⋯The photograph manages to capture the excitement of the occasion.照片成功地抓住了这一激动人心的场面。PHOTOGRAPH + NOUNalbum 相册frame 相框PREPOSITIONin a/the photograph 在照片里The wing is assembled as shown in the photograph below.机翼就像下面的照片展示的那样装配起来。Tell me who everyone is in the photograph.告诉我照片里的人都是谁。photograph of ⋯的照片An aerial photograph of the field shows clearly where the buildings were.这一场地的航拍照片清晰地显示出这些建筑物的位置。a photograph of my son Edmund我儿子埃德蒙的照片 note at art




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