

词组 penalty
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1punishment 惩罚ADJECTIVE | VERB + PENALTY | PENALTY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEharsh, heavy, hefty, severe, stiff, strict, substantial, tough 严厉的处罚;重罚;严惩draconian 严厉的处罚light 轻罚maximum, minimum 最重的/最轻的处罚ultimate 极刑These crimes carried with them the ultimate penalty of execution.这些罪行导致他们被处以极刑。automatic (especially BrE) , fixed (BrE) , mandatory 自动处罚;定额罚款;强制性处罚a new system of fixed penalties for most traffic offences一套新的适用于大多数交通违章的定额罚款系统The legislation sanctions harsh mandatory penalties for weapons possession.法规批准对持有武器实行严厉制裁。financial, monetary, tax 经济处罚;罚款;税务罚款the heavy financial penalties of paying off the loan early为提前还清贷款而交纳的巨额罚款exit, redemption (both BrE) 按揭退出费;解除抵押罚金There are redemption penalties if you pay off the mortgage early.如果提前还清按揭,要付解约费。death 死刑the movement for the abolition of the death penalty争取废除死刑的运动civil, criminal 民事/刑事处罚VERB + PENALTYimpose, introduce (especially BrE) , levy 加以处罚;推行处罚;收罚款reintroduce, restore 恢复处罚calls to restore the death penalty对恢复死刑的呼吁apply, give, hand down, hand out (especially BrE) , issue (especially BrE) 运用/给予/公布/提出/发布处罚The penalty handed down was disproportionate to the crime committed.被判处的刑罚与所犯罪行不相称。exact (formal) , implement (especially BrE) 强制执行/实施惩罚From time to time, the death penalty was exacted for murder.犯谋杀罪者有时被执行死刑。charge (especially BrE) 收取罚金Some lenders charge heavy penalties for early settlement.有些贷款人对提前还清贷款收取巨额罚金。enforce, prescribe 执行/处以罚款threaten 威胁要处罚receive 收到罚款seek 谋求罚款He was seeking financial penalties against the company.他正谋求对该公司处以罚款。deserve 应该受罚risk 冒罚款的风险increase, stiffen, toughen 加重/加强/强化处罚reduce 减轻处罚attract (BrE) , carry 招致处罚crimes which carry severe penalties要受严惩的罪行face, incur 面临/招致处罚avoid, escape 避免/逃脱处罚waive 免予处罚Credit card companies will waive penalties for flood victims who are unable to pay on time.信用卡公司将免除无法按时还款的水灾灾民的滞纳金。eliminate 撤销处罚PENALTY + NOUNfee 罚款notice, ticket (both BrE) 罚款通知单You will be given a fixed penalty notice if you fail to renew insurance on time.如未能及时续保,将收到定额罚款通知书。fine (BrE) 罚款There is a fixed penalty fine of £50 for allowing your dog to foul public places.狗在公共场所排便,其主人要被处以 50 英镑的定额罚款。point (BrE) 违章驾驶罚分Penalty points are given to drivers who speed.超速行驶的司机要被扣违章分。payment (especially BrE) 罚款缴付clause (especially BrE) 处罚条款system 罚款制度PREPOSITIONon penalty of, under penalty of 违背则受⋯处罚The Romans prohibited the teaching of the Torah on penalty of death.罗马人禁止讲授《摩西五经》,违者处死。The application should be signed under penalty of perjury.申请应签字,否则以伪证罪论处。penalty for 因⋯而受的处罚the penalty for murder因谋杀而受的刑罚penalty on 对⋯的处罚He threatened stiffer penalties on young offenders.他扬言要对未成年犯施加更严厉的处罚。




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