

under siege under somebody's feet under somebody's nose under somebody's spell under somebody's thumb
under someone's feet under someone's nose under (someone's or something's) shadow under someone's spell under someone's thumb
under someone's wing under someone’s thumb understand understanding under starters orders
under starter's orders understood undertake undertake to do undertake to (do something)
under the aegis of under the affluence of incohol under the auspices of under the auspices of (someone or something) under the auspices of someone/something
under the banner of under the banner (of) (something) under the baton of under the carpet under the circumstances
under the cosh under the counter under the covers under the eye of somebody under the guise of (something)
under the gun under the hammer under the harrow under the hatches under the heel of
under the heel of somebody under the heel of (someone) under the impression under the influence under the influence of alcohol
under the knife under the microscope under (the/one's) radar under the pump under the radar
under the radar screen under the rose under the rug under the same roof under the shadow of (someone or something)
under the skin under the spell of (someone) under the spotlight under the sun under the table
under the thumb of (someone) under the (watchful) eye of under the weather under the wind under the wing of someone/something
under the wing of (something) under the wire under the yoke under the yolk under thumb
undertow under water underwater basket weaving under way underway
underwhelm under wing under wraps under your belt under your breath
under your feet under your nose under your own steam under your roof under your wing
undies undivided undone unearthly uneasy
uneasy is the head that wears a/the crown Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown uneasy lies the head that wears a/the crown unexpected unexpected always happens
unfamiliar unfamiliar territory unfamiliar waters unflappable unfold
unfold into unfold into (something) unfriend unglued ungodly
ungrateful unheard of unify unify into unify (something) into (something)
union union is strength unit unite unite against
unite against (someone or something) united united we stand united we stand(, divided we fall) United we stand, divided we fall
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