Facebook users
unfriend, they posit, in response to the "exposure of hidden political heterogeneity within their social networks" (p.
"He's Got His Own Sea": Political Facebook Unfriending in the Personal Public Sphere
Where I disa- gree with Paul (and hopefully he doesn't
unfriend me too) is when he talks about the success of South American advertising.
More comical thanstatistical?
For the curious, here's a first step: If you have conspiracy theorists, fabulists or extreme ideologues in your social network, you actually shouldn't
unfriend them.
An hour-by-hour look at how a conspiracy theory becomes 'truth' on Facebook
Unfriending Facebook friends can be considered bullying in Australia It's tempting to
unfriend people on social networks when you're mad at them, but you may want to think twice about it when coworkers are involved...at least, in Australia.
Google puts WiFi in 400 Indian train stations
She warned users to be careful after a tribunal in Australia ruled that the decision by Lisa Bird, an estate agent sales administrator, to
unfriend colleague Rachel Roberts showed a 'lack of emotional maturity' and was 'indicative of unreasonable behaviour'.
facebook snubs 'could be workplace bullying' Manchester expert warns of dangers of blurring the lines between social media and work relationships
According to a New York based therapist, everyone should
unfriend their spouse on the popular social media platform, Facebook.
Does unfriending your spouse on Facebook help your marriage?
Or, worse, when you decide to
unfriend someone and have to live with the fear that they might find out?
How to see who unfriended you on Facebook; The secret you've been waiting for your whole life (or at least since around 2005)
I'm not suggesting you go and
unfriend all your friends just because they don't have a lot of money.
Here's How Rich People Choose Their Friends
From January 1, users will be introduced to Privacy Basics for tips on how to make your account private, including how to untag,
unfriend, block people and choose an specific audience for each of your posts.
Facebook is making privacy changes starting next year
On the other hand, the segregation of my number of friends leaves me with about 40 on a list that I don't expect to
unfriend me even if I choose a picture of an octopus mauling a shark as the main picture on my Facebook page.
In short, save me from having to
unfriend or unfollow anyone.
A Prayer to the God of Social Media
After the premiere of Spears' Vegas residency, one acquaintance of mine who posted dozens of his own snapshots and videos of her performance in many posts on Facebook, was challenged to give it a rest, and yet stood his ground: He'd rather have you
unfriend him than temper his admiration for Britney even the tiniest bit.
Editor's letter
We make friends on Facebook for time pass or according to our mood and also
unfriend those when we start getting bore with them.
Facebook and globalisation
And he loves proving that some so-called new words - such as OMG and
unfriend - are actually hundreds of years old.
luckless adjective having bad luck; unfortunate; ill-fated; being head honcho of the Oxford English Dictionary and being no good at Scrabble; EDITOR OF FAMED DICTIONARY ON THE MEANING OF LIFE..AND 877,999 OTHER WORDS
We "unfollow" colleagues on Twitter, "
unfriend" people on Facebook and refuse iftar (fast-breaking) dinner invitations.
We had a dream..