

yank chain yanked Yankee yankee dime Yankee go home
Yankee ingenuity yank in yank into yank off truck
truck in truckle truckle to truckle to (someone or something) truck out
Tru dat trudge trudge along trudge through true
true as Bob true as God true as steel true believer true blue
true colors tru(e) dat true enough true grit true that
true to true to form true to life true to (one's) colors true to (one's) word
true to (someone or something) true to word true up truly truly yours
trump trump card trumped up trumpet trumpet spider
trump something up trump up trundle along trunk truss up
trust trust, but verify trust for trust in trust in Allah, but tie up your camel
trust in God and keep your powder dry trust in God, but keep your powder dry trust in God, but tie up your camel trust in (someone or something) trust me
Trust me! trust (one) for (something) trust (one) to (do something) trust someone as far as one could throw him, not to/I wouldn't trust (someone or something) with (someone or something)
trust the process trust to trust to do trust with trust you, him, her, etc.
truth truth is stranger than fiction Truth, Justice, and the American Way truth to tell truth will out
try try a fall with try a fall with (someone) try as I may try as (one) may
try as (one) might try at try back try conclusions with try conclusions with (someone)
try every trick in the book try for try for (something) try fortune try hand
tryin trying trying times try it on try it on with (one)
try luck try me try on try (one's) damndest try (one's) damnedest
try (one's) fortune try one's hand try (one's) hand (at something) try (one's) level best try (one's) luck
try (one's) patience try one's patience try (one's) utmost try (one's) wings (out) try on with
try out try out on try patience try somebody's patience try someone back
try someone back again try (something) for size try something for size try (something) on for size try something on for size
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