

be the living end be the making of be the making of (one) be the making of somebody/something be the making of someone
be the making of (someone or something) be the making of someone/something be the matter be the matter (with someone or something) be the picture of health, happiness, etc.
be the picture of (something) be the pits be the power behind the throne be there (for one) be there for (one)
be there for somebody be there for someone be there for the taking be there or be square be there with bells on
be the shape of things to come be the soul of (something) be the soul of something be the spice of life be the spit and image of (someone)
be the spit of be the spit of (one) be the spitten image of (one) be the spitting image of (one) be the talk of something
be the talk of the town be the tip of the iceberg be the toast of... be the toast of (some place) be the toast of (the town)
be the (very) image of (someone) be the way to go be the world to (one) be thin on top be thrilled to bits
be thrilled to death be thrilled to pieces be thrilled with (someone or something) be through be thrown in the deep end
be thrown into the scale (of something) be thrown off balance be tickets be tickets (for someone or something) be tickled pink
be tickled to death betide be tied to (one's) mother's apron strings be tied to (something's) apron strings be tied to something's apron strings
be tied to your mother's apron strings be tied (up) in knots be tight-arsed be tight-assed be tight-lipped
be tipping (it) down be tired and emotional be tired of (something) be tired to death of (something) be toast
be to be expected be to blame be to do with (something) be toes up be togged out (in something)
be togged out/up be togged up (in something) bet on bet one's ass bet (one's) boots
bet one's bottom dollar, one can bet (one's) life bet (one's) shirt on (something) bet one’s bottom dollar bet on it
bet on (someone or something) bet on the wrong horse be too be too clever by half be too many for
be too many for (someone) be too much be too much (for one) be torn between be torqued off
be to the good be touch-and-go be touched by (something) be touched with (something) be touched with something
be touching cloth be touching cotton be tough be tough on (someone or something) bet out
be trapped in a time warp be treading on eggshells betroth betrothed betrothed to (someone)
betroth (someone or oneself) to (someone) betroth to bet (someone) a pound to a penny bet someone dollars to doughnuts Betsy
better better a dollar earned than ten inherited better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave better be going better bend than break
better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion better dead than red better fish to fry better get moving better get on my horse
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