So although
betide is not, according to lexical sources, a defective verb, in practice it seems that it prefers to act as one.
A corpus study of some rare English verbs
betide the scholar surveying the human history of warfare in a mere three hundred pages.
The Arc of War: Origins, Escalation, and Transformation
We moaned and groaned but woe
betide us if we didn't do our share.
Spoilt teenagers don't deserve the vote
But woe
betide anybody who stands in Mary's way as she determinedly delivers ordinary folks' gripes and grievances to the desks of chief executives across the land in an attempt to make them change their ways.
Portas aiming for better service
Whitby blocks business - page 11 Woe
betide he who dares try to open a new business in Harborne, for Birmingham's poshest suburb is notoriously picky about change.
Regeneration is a good thing, but not in my back yard
They equate socialism with goodness and woe
betide anyone who disagrees with them.
Woe Betide the liberals
betide us if ever someone decides that trees have private parts--they'll all be decked out in doilies overnight."
They did what?! 12 outrageous sexual moments in dance history
If anyone can find that person Fischer can, but until he does his work and his battle with the bureaucrats will continue--and woe
betide anyone who tries to stop him!
Supporting India's lepers
Their obsession became official policy on September 20, when President Bush unveiled a report called "The National Security Strategy of the United States." It says, "We will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting preemptively." This doctrine says the United States will defend "our interests at home and abroad by identifying and destroying the threat before it reaches our borders." And woe
betide any nation that tries to compete with the United States militarily.
The naked empire. (Comment)
betide the chef who set before him what His Highness did not deem a dainty dish.
A Visit from the King
And woe
betide the employer who hints to a lower-level worker that he might get ahead faster if he availed himself of that good old American tradition, the accent-reduction course.
Say what?
And woe
betide the reactionary master who confused customary right with privilege.
The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana
But the further implication--woe
betide the president who ignores Kevin Phillips--is superfluous, because we now have, for perhaps the first time in our history, a president who can absolutely be counted on to read and assimilate the message of any new book on public affairs that gets even a fraction of the attention that is sure to come to Boiling Point.
Boiling Point: Democrats, Republicans, and the Decline of Middle-Class Prosperity
I'm sure West Ham fans will be up for it on Monday night and I expect Bilic to get off the mark this season because woe
betide him if he doesn't.
The 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU demand it and woe
betide May and her administration if there is any backsliding.
Woe betide May if she takes step back; LETTERS Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: Twitter: @coventrytelegraph Facebook: Post: Coventry Telegraph, Leicester Row, Canal Basin, Coventry, CV1 4LY