anything you say

anything you say

1. Yes, of course. A: "I'll be getting home late tonight, so I need you to help me make dinner." B: "Sure, anything you say."
2. A phrase said, often sarcastically, when one is skeptical of what another person is saying. Your political party has no shortcomings at all. OK, anything you say.
See also: anything, say
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Anything you say.

Fig. Yes.; I agree. Mary: Will you please take these blouses over to the cleaners? Bill: Sure, anything you say. Mother: You're going to finish your homework before you watch TV, right? Child: Anything you say, Mom.
See also: anything, say
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • (as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
  • sure as eggs is eggs
  • beck and call
  • fo sho
  • fosho
  • Heinz
  • Heinz 57
  • Heinz 57 (variety)
  • Heinz 57 variety
  • 57
References in classic literature
"I'll remember anything you say, mother," Geraldine promised.
"We know no one is going to be listening to anything you say when there is an animal in the scene.
A poet put it this way: "Be aware that someone's watching as you go along your way' Your example is remembered more than anything you say."
"So how can I believe anything you say?" It's almost verbatim every single time.
Anything you say will be remembered, so leave a trail that's positive and appreciative.
Anyone who has watched a cop drama during the past few decades is familiar with the so-called Miranda warning: "You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
And never say anything you don't want repeated on the air or in print because anything you say can and may be used."
But if his doctor's warning has made no difference, then I don't think that anything you say will make an lasting impression on him.
"If you're so clever, how come I never understand anything you say?"