not far off

not far off

Partially or nearly correct; close to the truth. A: "What did that TV cost you? $3,500?" B: "Not far off—$3,750." A: "I've always suspected that he was stealing money from the company." B: "You're not far off. He's been using its offshore accounts to hide his earnings from the IRS."
See also: far, not, off
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

not far ˈoff/ˈout/ˈwrong

(informal) almost correct: She said she thought it would be sold for $200, and she wasn’t far wrong: someone paid $235 for it. The original sales’ estimate was not far off.
See also: far, not, off, out, wrong
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • not far off/out/wrong
  • not far out
  • not far wrong
  • partially sighted
  • sighted
  • yes and no
  • all correct
  • right side up
  • right-side up
  • a case in point
References in classic literature
To which neither Blifil nor Jones gave any answer; but Thwackum said surlily, "I believe the cause is not far off; if you beat the bushes well you may find her."--"Find her?" replied Western: "what!
The carriage never went out on Sundays, because the church was not far off.
Not far off lies the "Sea of Rains," fed by all the fever of existence.
She begins to cry, and old black Clementine, her nurse, who is not far off, limps across the room to pick her up and carry her away.
Then they sent a message down to the Doctor to say that they would have to take a rest soon; and that they would pull the boat over to an island not far off, and hide it in a deep bay till they had got breath enough to go on.
He informed me that the King his master was encamped not far off, and that a chec who was then in the company was just arrived from thence, and had seen the Emperor of Aethiopia's letters in our favour; I was then convinced that we might land without scruple, and to give the patriarch notice of it ordered a volley of our muskets to be fired, which was answered by the cannon of the two ships that lay at a distance, for fear of giving the Moors any cause of suspicion by their approach.
He led him past his soldiers and behind the outposts and told him that his wish to be presented to the Emperor would most likely be satisfied immediately, as the Emperor's quarters were, he believed, not far off.
An owl hooted not far off, and Laska, starting, stepped cautiously a few steps forward, and putting her head on one side, began to listen intently.
America is not far off, and from America to Europe is only a step."
Casson, because this position enabled him to see Hetty, who was not far off him at the next table.
Colbert was not far off. During the whole evening he had remained in one of the corridors, chatting with Bernouin and Brienne, and commenting, with the ordinary skill of people of a court, upon the news which developed like air-bubbles upon the water, on the surface of each event.
"But we also are in danger," said the Pumpkinhead, anxiously." If any of these girls understand cooking, my end is not far off!"
The winter is not far off, game is getting scarcer and scarcer, our stock of provisions is running low, and the sick--especially, I am sorry to say, the sick in the Wanderer 's hut--are increasing in number day by day.
"It is not far off our trail, and will take only a few minutes to go over to the trees.
But, he was not far off, for presently she heard a troubled movement and a shouting coming along, which filled her with fear.