Related to note: Loan note, NOTW
- (as) bent as a nine-bob note
- (as) queer as a nine-bob note
- (that's) a hell of a note
- as a side note
- blue note
- century note
- checks notes
- C-note
- compare notes
- compare notes on
- compare notes on (someone or something)
- compare notes, to
- couldn't carry a note in a bucket
- crib note
- dash a note off
- drop (one) a few lines
- drop (one) a line
- drop (one) a note
- drop a line and drop a few lines; drop a note
- drop somebody a line/note
- end (something) on a high note
- false note
- finish (something) on a high note
- go out on a high note
- have a C-note
- hell of a note
- high note
- hit a sour note
- hit the right note
- hit/strike the right/wrong note
- Johnny One-Note
- leave (something) on a high note
- make a mental note
- make a mental note of
- make a mental note of something/to do something
- make a note of
- make a note of (something)
- make notes
- note down
- of note
- on a lighter note
- on a side note
- one-note
- ring false
- sick note
- sound a (kind of) note
- sound a false note
- sound/strike a false note
- sound/strike a note
- sour note
- strike a (kind of) note
- strike a false note
- strike a note
- strike a sour note
- strike the right note
- swap notes
- swap notes about (someone or something)
- swap notes on (someone or something)
- swap notes on someone or something
- take note
- take note (of someone or something)
- take note of
- take note of (something)
- take note of something
- take notes