conceal from

conceal (someone or something) from (someone or something)

To hide someone or something from someone or something. If you conceal him from the authorities, you might end up getting arrested yourself. We need to conceal this from mom and dad so that we don't get in trouble.
See also: conceal
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

conceal someone or something from someone or something

to hide someone or something from someone or something. Are you trying to conceal something from me? I cannot conceal Roger from the police. Wecould notconceal the present from mom.
See also: conceal
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • be/have done with somebody/something
  • be in line with (someone or something)
  • better of
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • begin with
  • begin with (someone or something)
  • be rough on (someone or something)
  • bird has flown, the
  • beware of
  • beware of (someone or something)
References in classic literature
At the same time, he would naturally feel loyalty towards the officials who were working on the same case, and he would not conceal from them anything which would help them in bringing a criminal to justice.
All Lothario's good sense seems to have failed him at this juncture; all his prudent maxims escaped his memory; for without once reflecting rationally, and without more ado, in his impatience and in the blindness of the jealous rage that gnawed his heart, and dying to revenge himself upon Camilla, who had done him no wrong, before Anselmo had risen he hastened to him and said to him, "Know, Anselmo, that for several days past I have been struggling with myself, striving to withhold from thee what it is no longer possible or right that I should conceal from thee.
The subject had reference to secret sin, and those sad mysteries which we hide from our nearest and dearest, and would fain conceal from our own consciousness, even forgetting that the Omniscient can detect them.
I could not conceal from her--I must not conceal from you--that the vital energies are sinking.