a bad time
a bad time
1. A time that is inconvenient or inopportune. I'm afraid you've called at a bad time. I'm already on my way out the door.
2. A situation that is particularly painful, difficult, or unenjoyable. If you try to do too much after surgery, you're going to have a bad time. We had a really bad time on our date because we simply don't have anything in common.
See also: bad, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
bad time
see under have a good time.
See also: bad, time
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- bad time
- be pressed for time
- be pushed for time
- away from it all
- a run on (something)
- be at a disadvantage
- a rush on (something)
- at a disadvantage
- address (one's) comments to (someone or something)
- address comments or remarks to