go aboard

go aboard

To board a ship or boat. You can go aboard as soon as the boat is moored securely.
See also: aboard, go
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • in dock
  • on shipboard
  • come aboard
  • wash overboard
  • boy in the boat
  • breast up
  • bear in with (something)
  • shove off
  • bison
  • take (someone) for a ride, to
References in classic literature
"You must go aboard, Humphrey, and find out," she said.
"I had to go aboard to get some money," I remarked casually, as we drank, in the hope Nelson would take it as an explanation of why I had let him treat six consecutive times.
I refused to go aboard her, and flung myself full length on the deck.
Livesey were seated together, finishing a quart of ale with a toast in it, before they should go aboard the schooner on a visit of inspection.
Her family, one of the wealthiest in Devonshire, cut up rough about it, and we eloped--are eloping rather, for on the day that you and I walked to the landing stage to go aboard this steamer she and her faithful servant, a negress, passed us, driving to the ship Morrow.
We can go aboard, get the child, and return without the slightest fear."
When he presented himself to take and pay for his passage, it had been suggested to him that being an able seaman he might as well work it and save the money, but this piece of advice he very indignantly rejected: saying, 'He'd be damned but for once he'd go aboard ship, as a gentleman.' Accordingly, they took his money, but he no sooner came aboard, than he stowed his kit in the forecastle, arranged to mess with the crew, and the very first time the hands were turned up, went aloft like a cat, before anybody.
That's the 'Rajah,' and we will go aboard if we can."
It reads: "I am a dock worker here and the other morning following a typical dockers night out I was badly in need of a beer so I asked one of my workmates to go aboard a passenger vessel and get me one from the ship's bar.
The government alleged that the former prime minister wanted to go aboard whereas PML-N denied stating that Nawaz was ridiculed by being taken to different hospitals.
Ramzan Jamali, General Secretary Inter Board Hockey Tournament announced that we have selected 10 best players, who will go aboard to play hockey shortly.
Chairman of World Islamic Organisation has called upon the authorities to allow former PM Muhammad Nawaz Sharif to go aboard for medical treatment.
Why did some go aboard the Iolaire at Kyle of Lochalsh and others on the Sheila, the ferry that went home safely that night?
This Mobile Salon Expo event will have real Mobile Salons & Exhibits on display for you to see and go aboard to test out.
The ability to refuel the space station is imperative for astronauts to go aboard the orbiting lab for periods of up to six months at a time, which the Chinese plan to do in about five years' time.