random number

Related to random number: Random number table, Random number generation

random number

A number selected without any criteria, often by some sort of generator, such as a computer program. Don't worry, we're not choosing the winner ourselves—we'll draw a random number to determine who wins.
See also: number, random
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • not to worry
  • random
  • she'll be apples
  • don't give (something) another thought
  • not give (something) another thought
  • not give it another thought
  • worry
  • start from where you are
  • bother (one's) (pretty little) head about (something)
  • bother head about
References in periodicals archive
The author believes it will be uncommon that any work item of an OpenCL kernel will require more sequentially generated random numbers than the smallest cycle can provide.
The other solution is to use algorithms that generate more random numbers near the tail.
Roy, "On-the fly evaluation of FPGA-based true random number generator", IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2009, pp.
Random numbers have been shown to be valuable in sampling, simulations, modeling, data encryption, gambling and even musical composition.
One of those techniques, common random numbers (CRNs), has received recent attention in patient-level simulation from Shechter et al.
Afterwards, a random number made by the method explained in the third step and Appendix is added to the respective time, [t.sub.i], as a measuring error on the P-wave arrival time determination.
The cost to purchase a random number Cardinals plate for a currently titled vehicle with valid Illinois registration will be $69.
In which case, betting will tend to decline even more if a random number generator is used.
If you ask me, adding more random numbers to the equation only confuses matters.
Johnston, an engineer, offers a guide for practicing programmers or hardware engineers on random number generators and their noncryptographic applications and related algorithms.
The Rnd function returns a single precision random number and has an optional argument to set the seed for the random number.
The new approach will see individual cheques allocated a random number that can then be read electronically during an automated validation process.
Section 2 discusses some of the requirement and properties of random number generator.
Synopsys announced that Artosyn Microelectronics, a leading supplier of drone system-on-chips in China, has adopted the DesignWare tRoot Hardware Secure Module with Root of Trust, True Random Number Generator and cryptography accelerators for its latest drone SoC.