

Sexually aroused and desiring sexual contact or intercourse; horny. I was starting to feel a bit randy after watching that erotic thriller.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. sexually excited or aroused. The town is full of randy sailors when the fleet’s in.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • horny
  • fight in armour
  • humpy
  • get (one's) ashes hauled
  • sexual congress
  • don't be a fool, wrap your tool
  • stealthing
  • poon hound
  • pop the cherry
  • get (one's) rocks off
References in periodicals archive
It is the same police that has threatened to press charges of "obstruction of justice" against Randy's elder sister Perla and the family lawyers Edu and Rina Balgos.
'What the PNP has to do is to find the killers of Randy and not whitewash nor cover up the case as well as launch a demonization campaign against him,' he added.
Randy's Donuts joins Hollywood & Highland's diverse list of new tenants, including Japan House Los Angeles, Foot Locker with Six:02, and Quay Australia along with other contemporary fashion and beauty brands, boutique cafes, eateries and entertainment attractions.
With no plan, Randy found himself wandering down to Piccadilly Gardens on his first day, where he befriended a homeless man called Jamie.
"It was innocent in its conception, but the integration of the styling and choreography created that edge," says Randy. Of course,with the internet in its infancy in 1998, Britney's overnight success did not come by chance.
Randy said: "Jive saw Britney as their next big project.
There was never a second thought being at Randy's fight.
Randy and his wife, Barbara, have relocated to New Jersey, where he will maintain an active schedule as an orchestral and chamber musician, soloist, teacher, and clinician.
She pretended to get up to leave but sat back down, grabbed a napkin and her pen and smiled as she told Randy she kept her days simple with the ABC's of management and bringing those ABC's to life in the key moments of managing.
Randy, who has also attended some of his sister's court hearings, shared what Jackson's marriage was like in the months leading up to their split.
"We didn't have a clue, so we just went out and shot arrows into the sagebrush sand dunes," Randy said.
As one of just 81 inductees in the Archery Hall of Fame's history--and one of only 15 living members--it is a privilege to work with Randy and learn from him as he shares his shooting and hunting insights.
It was part of Randy's 2016 European tour as he devours his way through massive food tests at eateries across the continent.
With table legs bowing under the weight, Randy bit huge chunks from the Tomahawk Pizza: a 1.1lb slab of steak sharing space with a knee-high stack of French fries and onion rings.
Randy is a graduate of Lake Area Technical Institute a long term ATEA member, where he studied Advanced CNC, CAM, Metallurgy, Heat Treating, Tool and Die, Manual and CNC, Die Molds, Jig and Fixture Welding.