释义 |
yourselfSee:- (and) yourself
- (oneself) again
- (oneself) silly
- And you?
- Come in and make yourself at home
- Go chase yourself!
- Go fuck yourself!
- Go soak yourself!
- Help yourself
- I'll thank you to keep your opinions to yourself
- If you want a thing done well, do it yourself
- If you would be well served, serve yourself
- Keep this to yourself
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Keep your opinions to yourself!
- Make yourself at home
- Suit yourself
- Take care
- Where have you been keeping yourself?
- Where you been keeping yourself?
- Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
- a grip on (oneself)
- a law unto (oneself)
- a law unto yourself
- a shadow of (oneself)
- abandon (oneself) to
- above (oneself)
- above yourself
- absent (oneself) from
- absent (oneself) from (someone or something)
- absorb (oneself) in
- absorb (oneself) in (something)
- abuse (oneself)
- accommodate (oneself) to
- accommodate (oneself) to (something)
- address (oneself) to
- address (oneself) to (someone or something)
- adjust (oneself or something) to (something)
- adjust (oneself/something) to
- adorn (oneself) with borrowed plumes
- agonize (oneself) over
- align (oneself) with
- all over (oneself)
- all-over oneself
- ally (oneself) to
- anoint (someone/oneself) with
- apply (oneself) to (something)
- apply oneself
- arm (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- assert (one)self
- assert (oneself)
- assimilate (oneself/someone/something) into
- associate with
- at odds with (oneself)
- at odds with (someone, something, or oneself)
- at odds with the world
- at risk to (someone, something, or oneself)
- at risk to yourself/somebody/something
- attach to
- attire (someone or oneself) in (something)
- attire (someone/oneself) in
- avail (oneself) of
- avenge (oneself)
- avenge (oneself) against (someone or something)
- avenge (oneself) against (someone or something) for (something)
- avenge (oneself) for (something)
- back (one or oneself) into a corner
- back into a corner
- back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner
- be (oneself) again
- be a law unto (oneself)
- be a law unto yourself
- be above (oneself)
- be all about (someone, something, or oneself)
- be beside (oneself)
- be cocksure of (oneself)
- be falling over (oneself) to (do something)
- be falling over yourself to do something
- be full of (oneself)
- be not (oneself)
- be oneself
- be sorry for (oneself)
- be unable to hear (oneself) think
- be unable to hear yourself think
- be up (oneself)
- be yourself
- be/feel sorry for yourself
- be/get above yourself
- bear (one)self
- bear (oneself)
- beat (oneself) up
- because you touch yourself at night
- beside (oneself)
- beside yourself
- betroth (someone or oneself) to (someone)
- better (oneself)
- bind up
- bind up with (something)
- book (one) on (something)
- box (oneself) into a corner
- box up
- brace (oneself) for (something)
- brag on (someone or oneself)
- break (one's) arm patting (oneself) on the back
- bring (one) to (oneself)
- bring (someone or oneself) to (do something)
- bring (someone or something) to
- bring (something) down on (oneself)
- bring on
- burn out
- bury in
- busy with (something)
- buy (yourself) time
- buy time
- by (one)self
- by (oneself)
- by yourself
- by yourself, himself, etc.
- call (oneself) a (something)
- call yourself a teacher, friend, etc.?
- can barely hear (oneself) think
- can hardly hear (oneself) think
- can't hear (oneself) think
- can't hear yourself think
- carry (oneself)
- carry up
- catch
- check into
- check yourself before you wreck yourself
- claim (something) for (oneself or something)
- clear of (something)
- close off
- closet (someone/oneself) with (someone)
- clothe (someone/oneself) in (something)
- collect (oneself)
- collect yourself/your thoughts
- come in and make yourself at home
- come to
- commit (oneself or something) for (something)
- commit (oneself) on (something)
- commit (someone or something) to (something)
- comport (oneself) with (something)
- concern (oneself) about (someone or something)
- concern (oneself) about (something)
- concern (oneself) over (someone or something)
- console (someone or oneself) with (something)
- cover up
- crank up
- cry (oneself) to sleep
- curse (someone or oneself) for (something)
- cut (oneself) on (something)
- cut (someone or something) with (something)
- declare (oneself) for (someone or something)
- dedicate (someone or something) to (someone or something)
- defend (oneself or someone) with (something)
- deliver (someone or oneself) of (something)
- delude (someone or oneself) into (something)
- denude (someone or something) of (something)
- deny (one)self
- deny (oneself)
- despite (oneself)
- despite yourself
- devote to (someone or something)
- dig (oneself) an early grave
- dig (oneself) in(to) a hole
- dig (someone or oneself) out of a hole
- dig yourself a hole
- dig yourself into a hole
- disabuse (someone or oneself) of (something)
- disappoint (someone or oneself) with (something)
- disengage from (someone or something)
- disguise (someone or oneself) in (something)
- distance (oneself) from (someone or something)
- do (one or oneself) proud
- do (one) a mischief
- do (oneself or someone) an injury
- do (oneself or someone) an injustice
- do (oneself) a mischief
- do (oneself) in
- do (someone or oneself) a favor
- do (someone or oneself) no favors
- do (someone or something) justice
- do away with (someone, something, or oneself)
- do somebody/yourself a mischief
- do somebody/yourself an injury
- do well for (oneself)
- do well for yourself
- do yourself a mischief
- do yourself an injury
- do yourself justice
- do yourself/somebody an injustice
- do yourself/somebody proud
- don't knock yourself out
- don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you
- don't strain yourself
- drag (oneself) up by (one's) (own) bootstraps
- drag/pull yourself up by your bootstraps
- drape (oneself) in the flag
- drape (something or oneself) over (someone or something)
- drape over (someone or something)
- draw (oneself) up
- draw (oneself) up to (one's) full height
- draw aside
- draw attention to (oneself, someone, or something)
- draw up
- draw yourself up/rise to your full height
- drink (oneself) silly
- drink (oneself) to sleep
- drink, laugh, shout, etc. yourself silly
- drive (oneself) into the ground
- drive (oneself) to an early grave
- drive (something) into the ground
- drive/run/work yourself into the ground
- drown in (something)
- dry off
- dude up
- dust off
- dust up
- educate (someone) in (something)
- educate for (something)
- eject from (something)
- embroil (one) in (something)
- empty out
- endear (oneself, someone, or something) to (someone or something)
- enfold (oneself or someone) in (something)
- engage (someone) to (someone)
- enjoy (oneself)
- enlist for (something)
- enlist in (something)
- enroll in (something)
- ensconce (oneself) in (something)
- entertain (oneself, someone, or something) with (something)
- envelop (oneself, someone, or something) in (something)
- establish (oneself, someone, or something) as (something)
- exempt from (something)
- exert (oneself)
- explain (oneself)
- explain yourself
- expose (one)self
- expose (oneself)
- expose (someone, something, or oneself) to (someone or something)
- express (oneself)
- express (oneself) to (someone) on (someone or something)
- extricate (someone, something, or oneself) from (someone or something)
- face forward
- fall all over (oneself)
- fall over (oneself)
- fall over (oneself) to (do something)
- fall over yourself
- fall over yourself to do something
- familiarize (someone or oneself) with (something)
- fancy (someone or oneself) as (something)
- fasten (someone, something, or oneself) to (someone or something)
- feel (like) (one)self
- feel (like) (oneself)
- feel like
- feel sorry for (oneself)
- fend for (oneself)
- find (oneself)
- find (oneself) in the market for (something)
- find (oneself) with (something)
- find (oneself) without (someone or something)
- find it in (oneself) (to do something)
- flatter (oneself)
- fling (oneself) at (someone's) head
- fling (oneself) at (someone)
- fling off of (oneself)
- fool (one or oneself) into (something)
- for (a/some) reason(s) best known to (oneself)
- force on (someone or something)
- forget (oneself)
- free (someone or oneself) from (someone or something)
- fuck you
- full of (oneself)
- full of yourself
- gather (a)round (someone or something)
- gather to (oneself)
- gear up
- get (oneself) across
- get (oneself) in gear
- get (oneself) into the best of health
- get (oneself) out of (something)
- get (oneself) out of (somewhere)
- get a grip of (oneself)
- get a grip on (oneself)
- get a grip on yourself
- get a hold on/of (oneself)
- get above (oneself)
- get above yourself
- get ahead of (oneself)
- get free from (someone or something)
- get hold of (oneself)
- get into (a bit of) a jam
- get into a fix
- get out of a jam
- get past (oneself)
- get together
- get up
- get/take a grip/hold on yourself
- give (oneself or someone) a pat on the back
- give (oneself) airs
- give (oneself) away
- give (oneself) over to (someone or something)
- give a bad account of (oneself)
- give a good account of (oneself)
- give a good account of yourself
- give away
- give over
- give somebody/yourself a pat on the back
- give up
- give yourself airs
- give yourself/put on airs
- glam up
- go and chase yourself
- go and chase yourself!
- go chase yourself
- go fly a kite
- go fuck yourself
- go hang yourself
- go soak yourself
- gorge on (something)
- gorge with (something)
- grip on (oneself)
- gussy up
- hang (someone or oneself) by the neck
- harden (oneself) to (something)
- haul (oneself) up by bootstraps
- have (oneself) (something)
- have nothing to say for (oneself)
- have something to say for yourself
- have something, nothing, etc. to say for yourself
- have something/anything to say for (oneself)
- have tickets on (oneself)
- have tickets on yourself
- hear (oneself) think
- help (oneself) (to something)
- help (oneself) to
- hold (oneself) together
- hold (something) inside (of oneself)
- hold together
- hook on
- identify as (someone or something)
- if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
- if you want it done right, do it yourself
- if you want it done well, do it yourself
- if you want something done right, do it yourself
- if you want something done well, do it yourself
- if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
- if you would be well served, serve yourself
- immerse (oneself, someone, or something) in (something)
- impale (someone, something, or oneself) on (something)
- in a class by (one)self
- in a class by (oneself)
- in spite of (oneself)
- in spite of yourself
- inch (oneself) across (something)
- inch (oneself) along (something)
- indulge (oneself or someone) with (something)
- ingratiate (oneself) into (something)
- ingratiate (oneself) with (someone)
- insinuate (oneself) into (something)
- interpose (one, oneself, or something) between (someone or something)
- intrude into (something)
- inure (someone, something, or oneself) to (something)
- invest in (oneself, someone, or something)
- invite (one or oneself) over (for something)
- invite (someone or oneself) to (something)
- keep (one's) hands to (oneself)
- keep (one's) opinions to (oneself)
- keep (oneself) busy
- keep (oneself) to (oneself)
- keep (someone or oneself) in ignorance
- keep (someone or something) at a distance
- keep (someone or something, or oneself) at a distance
- keep (something) to (oneself)
- keep a dog and bark (oneself)
- keep a dog and bark yourself
- keep something to yourself
- keep telling yourself that
- keep to (oneself)
- keep to (something or oneself)
- keep together
- keep yourself busy
- keep yourself to yourself
- kick (oneself)
- kick (oneself) for (doing something)
- kick yourself
- kid (oneself) about (something)
- kill (one)self
- kill (oneself)
- kill (oneself) (doing something)
- kill (oneself) laughing
- kill yourself
- kill yourself doing something
- kill yourself laughing
- knock (oneself) out
- knock oneself out
- knock oneself out, to
- knock yourself out
- label (someone, something, or oneself) as (something)
- label (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- lash (someone, something, or oneself) to (something)
- lash together
- lather up
- laugh (oneself) silly
- laugh out of
- laugh yourself silly
- law unto
- lay (oneself) out
- leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open to (something)
- leave open
- leave yourself wide open to something
- lend (oneself) to (something)
- let (oneself) go
- let (someone or oneself) in for
- let go
- let yourself go
- like to hear (oneself) talk
- look (oneself)
- look yourself
- lower (oneself)
- lower (oneself) to (some level)
- lower yourself
- maintain (oneself or someone) in (something)
- make (oneself or something) ready (for someone or something)
- make (oneself) at home
- make (oneself) conspicuous
- make (oneself) heard
- make (oneself) known (to someone)
- make (oneself) miserable
- make (oneself) scarce
- make (oneself) understood
- make (oneself) useful
- make (someone, something, or oneself) a laughingstock
- make a fool (out) of (someone or oneself)
- make a fool of somebody/yourself
- make a martyr of (oneself)
- make a monkey (out) of (someone or oneself)
- make a name for (oneself)
- make a name for yourself
- make a nuisance of (oneself)
- make a nuisance of yourself
- make a pig of (oneself)
- make a pig of yourself
- make a spectacle of (oneself)
- make a spectacle of yourself
- make an exhibition of (oneself)
- make an exhibition of yourself
- make something of (oneself)
- make something of yourself
- make the most of (oneself)
- make the most of yourself, himself, etc.
- make yourself at home
- make yourself known to somebody
- make yourself scarce
- make yourself understood
- make yourself useful
- marry above (oneself)
- marry below (oneself)
- marry beneath (oneself)
- model (oneself or something) on (someone or something else)
- not (oneself)
- not do (someone or oneself) any favors
- not feel (oneself)
- not feel like (oneself)
- not feel yourself
- not feeling (oneself)
- not have a penny to bless (oneself) with
- not have a penny to bless yourself with
- not know what to do with (oneself)
- not know what to do with yourself
- not know where to put (oneself)
- not know where to put yourself
- occupy (someone or oneself) by (doing something)
- occupy (someone or oneself) with (something)
- one hand for (oneself) and one (hand) for the ship
- open (oneself) (up) to criticism
- orient to (something)
- outdo (oneself)
- outsmart (one)self
- outsmart (oneself)
- owe it to (someone or oneself) to (do something)
- pace (oneself)
- paint (oneself) into a corner
- paint yourself into a corner
- panic (one) by (doing something)
- physician, heal thyself
- pick up
- piss (oneself)
- piss (oneself) laughing
- piss yourself
- place (oneself) at (someone's) mercy
- play (oneself) in
- play with (oneself)
- play with yourself
- play yourself in
- please (oneself)
- please yourself
- pleased with (oneself)
- pleased with yourself
- plonk (someone, something, or oneself) down
- plume (oneself) on (something)
- plunk (someone, something, or oneself) down
- poise (oneself) for (something)
- poon up
- pretty up
- price (oneself, someone, or something) out of the market
- price yourself out of the market
- price yourself/something out of the market
- pride (oneself) in (something)
- pride (oneself) on (something)
- prostrate (oneself) before (someone or something)
- protect (someone, something, or oneself) from (someone or something)
- prove (oneself) as (something)
- prove (to be) (something)
- pull (oneself) together
- pull (oneself) up by (one's) (own) bootstraps
- pull (oneself) up by the bootstraps
- pull in
- pull off
- pull oneself together, to
- pull yourself together
- pull yourself up by your bootstraps
- pull yourself up by your own bootstraps
- punish (someone or oneself) by (doing something)
- punish (someone or oneself) for (something)
- punish with (something)
- put (oneself) across
- put (oneself) at (one's) ease
- put (oneself) in (someone's) place
- put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes
- put (oneself) on the line
- put (oneself) out
- put an end to (oneself)
- put an end to yourself
- put yourself in somebody's shoes/place
- put yourself on the line
- rank above (someone or something)
- rank among (someone or something)
- rank as (something)
- rank below (someone or something)
- rank out
- rank with (someone or something)
- rate above (someone or something)
- rate as (something)
- rate at (something)
- rate below (someone or something)
- rate with (someone or something)
- raunch out
- read (oneself) to sleep
- reckon (someone or something) among (someone or something)
- reckon (someone or something) as (someone or something)
- reckon (someone or something) into (something)
- reckon in
- reclaim (someone or something) from (someone or something else)
- recollect (oneself)
- recommend (someone or something) as (something)
- recommend (someone or something) for (something)
- recommend (someone or something) to (one)
- reconcile (oneself) to (something)
- rededicate (oneself) to (something)
- redeem (one)self
- reinvent (oneself)
- relieve (oneself)
- relieve (someone or oneself) of (something)
- repeat (oneself)
- repose in (someone or something)
- repose on (someone or something)
- repose upon (someone or something)
- represent (someone or something) as (something)
- represent (someone or something) in (something)
- represent to (someone or something)
- reproach (someone or something) for (doing) (something)
- reproach (someone or something) with (something)
- reprove (someone or something) for (doing) (something)
- retool for (something)
- reveal to (someone or something)
- revenge (oneself) (up)on (someone or something)
- review for (something)
- reward (someone, something, or oneself) for (something)
- reward (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- rise to (one's) full height
- rocket into (something or some place)
- rocket to (something or some place)
- run (oneself or someone) ragged
- run (oneself or something) into the ground
- run yourself into the ground
- satiate (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- satisfy (someone, something, or oneself) by (doing something)
- satisfy (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- saturate (someone or something) with (something)
- save (oneself) for marriage
- say (something) to (oneself)
- say to (oneself)
- scratch for (one)self
- screw (one)self up to concert pitch
- see for (oneself)
- see for yourself
- sell (someone, something, or oneself) as (something)
- sell (someone, something, or oneself) short
- sell oneself
- sell yourself short
- sell yourself/somebody/something short
- send (someone) to an early grave
- send across
- send after (someone or something)
- set (oneself) up for a letdown
- set (someone or oneself) up for (something)
- set (someone, something, or oneself) up against (someone or something)
- set (someone, something, or oneself) up as (someone or something)
- shift for (oneself)
- shift for yourself
- shit (one)self
- shoot (oneself) in the foot
- shoot yourself in the foot
- shout (oneself) silly
- shut off
- skyrocket into (something or some place)
- skyrocket to (something or some place)
- snot (oneself)
- sob (oneself) to sleep
- sort (oneself) out
- sort out
- speak for (oneself)
- speak for yourself
- splash (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)
- spread (oneself) thin
- spread (something or oneself) too thin
- spread too thin
- spread yourself too thin
- square up against (someone or something)
- square up with (someone or something)
- steel (someone or oneself) against (someone or something)
- steel (someone or oneself) for (something)
- store up trouble for (oneself)
- store up trouble, etc. for yourself
- strand (someone or something) on (something)
- strap (someone or something) on
- strap (someone or something) onto (someone or something)
- strap (someone or something) with (something)
- strap down
- stuff (someone, something, or oneself) full of (something)
- stuff in
- stuff into (someone or something)
- stuff with (something)
- subordinate to (someone or something)
- subpoena (someone or something) to (do something)
- suggest for (someone or something)
- suit
- suit (oneself)
- superimpose (someone or something) on(to) (someone or something
- sure of (oneself)
- sure of yourself
- surpass (oneself)
- surround (someone, something, or oneself) with (someone or something)
- take (one) out of (oneself)
- take (something) on (oneself)
- take (something) upon (oneself)
- take a grip on (oneself)
- take a hold on (oneself)
- take care of (someone or something)
- take care of yourself/somebody/something
- take it on (oneself) to (do something)
- take it on/upon yourself to do something
- take it upon (oneself) to (do something)
- take off
- talk (one) ragged
- talk (oneself) out
- talk (oneself) out of (something)
- talk (oneself) ragged
- tear away
- tear loose
- tear yourself/something loose
- think for (oneself)
- think to
- throw (oneself) at (someone's) feet
- throw (oneself) at (someone's) head
- throw (oneself) on/at (someone's) mercy
- throw yourself at somebody's feet
- throw yourself on somebody's mercy
- tie (oneself) (up) in knots
- tie (oneself) in(to) knots
- tie (someone or oneself) (up) into knots
- tie somebody/yourself in knots
- tie yourself in knots
- to oneself
- to yourself, himself, etc.
- top (one)self
- touch (oneself)
- trick (oneself or something) up
- trick out
- verse (someone or oneself) in (something)
- watch (oneself)
- wear (oneself) to a frazzle
- wear (oneself) to a shadow
- wear yourself to a frazzle
- wear yourself to a shadow
- wet (oneself)
- wet yourself
- whore out
- why keep a dog and bark yourself
- work (one or oneself) to death
- work (oneself) into a lather
- work (oneself) into the ground
- work yourself into the ground
- work yourself/somebody to death
- wrap (oneself) in the flag
- wrap yourself in the flag
- yourself silly
References in classic literature If, regardless of that counsel, you choose to make a beast of yourself now, and over-eat and over-drink yourself till you turn the good victuals into poison, who is to blame if, hereafter, while you are suffering the torments of yesterday's gluttony and drunkenness, you see more temperate men sitting down to enjoy themselves at that splendid entertainment which you are unable to taste?' 'Nothing more than you do, Arthur: your actions are all right so far; but I would have your thoughts changed; I would have you to fortify yourself against temptation, and not to call evil good, and good evil; I should wish you to think more deeply, to look further, and aim higher than you do.' The Tenant of Wildfell Hall "Because you are a humbug, sir; and thought fit to worry people for half an hour, and tried to frighten them into believing that you would shoot yourself with your little empty pistol, pirouetting about and playing at suicide! On the contrary, if I am not mistaken, I believe you are yourself indebted to Mr. The Idiot Of course, if you were really in love with her, if she were your mate, and all that sort of thing, you would take a pleasure in making yourself over to suit her requirements. Uneasy Money Half an hour's indulgence in these considerations works you up into a state of savage fury against everybody and everything, especially yourself, whom anatomical reasons alone prevent your kicking. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow "It seems funny to me," said Pierre, "that you, you should consider yourself incapable and your life a spoiled life. War and Peace When you marry him you must save him from a cruel disenchantment by raising yourself to the level he fancies you have attained. You will have sacrificed yourself, and will have the happiness which follows that when it is worthily done." Unsocial Socialist "You see, Buckingham," said Anne of Austria, sadly, "how you pass from one extreme to another, and fight with shadows, when it would seem so easy to remain at peace with yourself." "You do not explain yourself, madame; my heart is full of bitterness, and I am in utter despair; no consolation, however gentle and affectionate, can afford me relief." Ten Years Later I waited till the morning, after hearing from my brother that you had yourself seen to your security from any intrusion. The Haunted Hotel Oh, no, I'm not vexed--don't worry yourself. I'm too sorry for you to leave any room for anger in my mind. Anne Of Green Gables You see yourself that I have not come to chase and capture you like a hare. Crime And Punishment Lecount or her master to yourself -- I wish you to arrange immediately for my residing No Name |