your nearest and dearest

nearest and dearest

The people with whom one has the closest relationships; one's closest and move beloved family members and friends. People would much rather go home and spend time with their nearest and dearest, not hang around their co-workers at some dull office party.
See also: and, dear, near
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

your nearest and dearest

Your nearest and dearest are your close friends and family. The English do not like to show their feelings, even to their nearest and dearest.
See also: and, dear, near
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

your nearest and dearest

your close friends and relatives.
See also: and, dear, near
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

your ˌnearest and ˈdearest

(informal, often humorous) your close family and friends: It must be difficult for him here, living so far away from his nearest and dearest.
See also: and, dear, near
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • nearest and dearest
  • along the beaten track
  • (there are) too many chiefs and not enough Indians
  • a couple of (people or things)
  • come out for
  • come out for (someone or something)
  • clout
  • clout list
  • (Can) you dig (it)?
  • anyone who is anybody
References in periodicals archive
Bereaved families can still veto a transplant which is why it is vital you talk to your nearest and dearest to discuss their wishes should the worst happen.
You can't beat sitting round a table with your nearest and dearest, nicking chips off plates and helping yourself to stew and veg.
He Left Me For My Mother And Other Betrayals Five, 8pm What is it like being duped by your nearest and dearest? We're guessing not great.
If you're already looking out for natty stocking fillers for your nearest and dearest, this is better than a slap oan the dial wi' a wet haddie.
But if your nearest and dearest are still too stuffed with turkey and chocolate to think of any witticisms this year, then Harry Hill, left, is here to do it for you as he rounds up the most hilarious festive TV.
THE GADGET SHOW: Christmas Special (Monday, Five, 8pm) is a must-see if you are still unsure what to buy your nearest and dearest for the festive period.
While your romantic side might shudder at giving a paper shredder as a gift, your nearest and dearest's inner accountant will forgive the practicality.
Back then it would involve slobbering all over the badge one minute and then telling your nearest and dearest to stick it the next.
Ever felt like thumping your boss or your nearest and dearest?
Well, if your nearest and dearest or in fact any relation in your present giving sphere is a gardener, your problems could be over.
Dear Editor, - As you get into the twilight years, your health and that of your nearest and dearest, causes concern.
When your travails are over, could you perhaps refrain from calling your nearest and dearest who supported you through it ``your rock''.
Is a brand new wardrobe really enough to compensate for the fact that your nearest and dearest told the nation you had no dress sense?
How else could you bug your nearest and dearest every minute of the day with every little thought that pops into your head?
If you feel you cannot do this, tell your nearest and dearest friend immediately, who may be able to persuade you to report the incident.