According to the interpretation of many predecessors' viewpoints of "The mean principle", after expanding and developing these viewpoints, Confucius created "The
Golden Mean".
Interpreting and expanding Confucius' golden mean through neutrosophic tetrad
He combined his love of math and art in his enthusiastic advocating of "the
Golden Mean.'' Born in Middletown, Conn., Mr.
Guild announces Memorial Awards
I know so much more about what the spiral means, the
Golden Mean and Fibonacci: how it appears in all forms of life from the micro to the macro.
Perpetual motion: Vivian "Spiral" Hancock finds her flow in circus arts
'The English', he noted, 'are more sumptuous than the Persians because, despising the
golden mean they affect all extremities ...
A bit of ruff: William Larkin's court portraits provide glorious reflections on early Stuart fashion
Liberals' rhetorical appeal to "moderation" evokes echoes of the "
golden mean" in the minds of political philosophers and people over the age of 50 who know or remember their Aristotle, whose name and writings still carry a kind of social-intellectual cachet even for postmodern liberals, whether they have actually read him or not.
Democracy and the golden mean
Referring to IIMC, Tewari said that while the Government was in the process of finalizing a proposal to grant the status of "Institute of National Importance" to IIMC with Degree granting powers, IIMC had to strive to become "the
Golden Mean for Journalism and Journalistic Training".
Enormous scope for innovation after emergence of new media: Tewari
In part two he goes back to the Axial Age, and reads Aristotle on the
golden mean in light of Confucius' own "ethics of mean." He further compares St.
The hermeneutical self and an ethical difference; intercivilizational engagement
" The entire effort is to try and find a
golden mean between Article 19 ( of the Constitution), the caveat to Article 19 and how the entire process will work.
Trai to curb cable TV sector cartels
Lin frequently pairs unlikely objects, as in the unsettling melding of synthetic bones and domestic tools in "More or Less the Same" (2011) or in her recent foray into the two-dimensional surface, "The
Golden Mean" (2012).
Lin Tianmiao: Bound Unbound
First, it should be pointed out that the paper in question, "The
Golden Mean in Mining: Talking Points" (downloadable at, was NOT issued by Ateneo de Manila.
The 'Jesuit Paper'
After my earlier (positive) experience, I decided to give it a go, and agreed to present a seven-week series entitled "The Joy of Mathematics" covering the nature of mathematics, and an introduction to number, calculation, measurement, geometry, statistics and Fibonacci & the
Golden Mean. About forty people attended the first session in which I explored with them the features of mathematics as a language, as a way to solve problems, as a way of thinking and so on.
You are never too late to learn ... or teach
Alternatively, there is a passage in the Symposium, which Kennedy cites in relation to the
Golden Mean with a difference of 0.8%, 1.6% by symmetry, 17.6% of a work at 11 points and 36.8% at 23 points.
Kennedy and stichometry--some methodological considerations
Having been brought up on Aristotle's ethical "
Golden Mean" (In medio stat virtus/Virtue lies in the middle), I not only agree, but I insist!
Response to the Dialogue Institute's evaluation of Swidler's dialogue thought/work
In quasicrystals, for instance, the ratio of various distances between atoms is related to the
golden mean.
Daniel Shechtman of Israel Is Awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Montreal-born Dorothea Rockburne remembers Saturday children's classes at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, where she learned classical disciplines--tempera, watercolor, oil, buon fresco, and figure drawing--and where she first discovered how the
Golden Mean generates the mystery of infinity.1 What later followed--the folding, rolling and layering; the club-sandwiching of Euclidean geometry with contemporary topology, cosmology, and astronomy, were, for Rockburne, reinventions of those ancient processes, updated in her personal quest to find within nature's hidden order a modernist's route through the unknown.
Dorothea Rockburne: In My Mind's Eye