golden opportunity

a golden opportunity

An outstanding, perhaps even ideal, chance to do something. Often one that happens rarely. This is a golden opportunity for you—please don't cancel this interview.
See also: golden, opportunity
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

(a) golden opportunity

Fig. an excellent opportunity that is not likely to be repeated. When I failed to finish college, I missed my golden opportunity to prepare myself for a good job.
See also: golden, opportunity
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a golden opportunity
  • opportunity
  • photo
  • photo op
  • good and proper
  • fill or kill
  • FOK
  • cancel (one's) Christmas
  • cancel Christmas
  • cancel someone’s Christmas
References in periodicals archive
A golden opportunity usually arises if actual conflict may occur far in the future.
'This is not only a golden opportunity for the Blues but for the Cardiff Premiership rugby side,' he said.
A successful bid would be a golden opportunity for the city, says Jorge Zambrano, Manta's mayor.
It's a golden opportunity for parents to resist the temptation at camp to negotiate smooth sailing for their own kids.
JAMES HAYTER missed a golden opportunity to help pull Bournemouth further away from relegation trouble as he missed a late penalty.
ENGLISHMAN Gary Paffett gave himself a golden opportunity to reclaim the lead of the DTM championship by qualifying on pole position for the penultimate race of the season at Istanbul.
As a borrower, you can either leverage time to your advantage, or you can squander a golden opportunity to optimally structure a transaction to your advantage.
"We have a golden opportunity to not only expand residential development, but get some prime development in our area that will attract people," says Brazeau, and that is why it is critical to complete the four-laning of Highway 11.
When Dennese Guadeloupe Rojas was laid off from her production position at a direct mail company in the late '80s, she was disappointed about losing a job but she viewed it as a "golden opportunity" to pursue her life's passion.
8, I got a golden opportunity to use the statement during another debate with Falwell on Fox News Channel.
Now that executives are paying attention, we have a golden opportunity to use these chains to set our businesses free.
For more on the Cohasset/ARMA/ AIIM survey, read "E-Records Management: A Sad State of Affairs or a Golden Opportunity?" Cynthia Launchbaugh analyzes the survey results and examines what they mean to organizations everywhere.
When Marta Donayre first heard about the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, she saw a golden opportunity to educate people about the plight of binational same-sex couples.
For the Americans, it is a golden opportunity to make friends, have fun and see their country through new eyes.
In fa iling to do so, White has missed a golden opportunity to provide an extended discussion of the intimate histories of state formation and African culture.