young fogey

Related to young fogey: fogram, fogies, fogeys

young fogey

A young person who acts older than they are, due to conservative and/or outdated beliefs and behaviors. A play on the more common phrase "old fogey"—and older person with outdated ideals. Primarily heard in UK. You don't want to come to the club? Ah, you're such a young fogey. I can't believe you're going to bed early on a Saturday night so that you can go to church in the morning—you're such a young fogey!
See also: fogey, young
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • an old stick in the mud
  • a stick-in-the-mud
  • Anne
  • (one's) Venus turns out a whelp
  • pull caps
  • flat-earther
  • information, please
  • granddad
  • Colonel Blimp
  • burn the midnight oil
References in periodicals archive
RTE are offering another turkey - Ryan Tubridy, a man who confesses to be a "young fogey" with a love of crooners, going off to Mullingar in search of the story behind One Direction's Niall Horan.
"Mark's probably more grown up than I am - he's a young fogey. Seriously.
Hearing a man in his forties talking about struggling to comprehend the world can often stray too closely to 'young fogey' behaviour, but his superbly crafted gags and raft of well-researched local references ensured this was a night of brilliant comedy with a political conscience.
This whole "young fogey" act is dramatically less adorable than you think.
Here was a real "young fogey", ignoring all the cheap electrification and jazz funk going on and sticking resolutely to an almost forgotten style of mainstream swing playing with Coleman Hawkins and Ben Webster as his role models.
A young fogey with a droning voice, he can't seem to get anything right.
Swindon-born Billie, still a rebel at heart, likes going out but Laurence is a young fogey, "a pipe and slippers man".
He was credited with coining the phrase "the men in suits" to describe party grandees who tell their leader it is time to resign, as well as "young fogey" for an up-and-coming politician with attitudes from a previous generation.
The man who brought the classic pre-bop values back into jazz as a fresh-faced young fogey is now a veteran of the scene and draws respect right across the full spectrum of jazz followers for his smooth sandpaper tone and lazy fluidity.
Their big trouble is, the alternative might be a young fogey.
He was freshly-showered and changed into his young fogey's outfit of blue blazer, neatly-pressed chinos and moccasins when she came bouncing up, the engaging blonde PR executive who had buzzed around him all day.
While his birth certificate suggests he is 36, his young fogey looks and behaviour are those of a man of at least 63.
Young fogey Jacob Rees-Mogg, Tory MP for North East Somerset, said his party should have stood down in last week's Heywood and Middleton by-election to let UKIP win.
I heard a Young Fogey say that Cameron's speech was an electionclincher, as the majority of British people are more Thatcherite today than they've ever been and hate paying tax.
He used to called a young fogey but now his age has caught up with his mainstream style of playing, and the tenor player doesn't seem such an anachronism.