Not long since I read his epitaph in the old Lincoln burying-ground, a little on one side, near the unmarked graves of some British grenadiers who fell in the retreat from Concord -- where he is styled "Sippio Brister" -- Scipio Africanus he had some title to be called -- "a
man of color," as if he were discolored.
Walden & on the Duty of Civil Disobedience
He even brazenly asserts that social justice policies are "lunacy." How can Williams, a
man of color, dare to offend the legacies MLK, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and all the other brave men and women who took to the streets, some giving their lives, seeking social justice in order to create more opportunities for people like him?
Concern for social justice is a national imperative
His topics include early works, The House of Blue Leaves 1971 and Two Gentlemen of Verona (1971), capturing America's heritage, Six Degrees of Separation (1990), A Free
Man of Color (2010), and a career of short works.
Understanding John Guare
NEW YORK, May 5 (KUNA) -- US President Barack Obama stressed on Monday, that since his presidency, everything was done in pursuit to one goal, "creating opportunity for everybody." At Lehman College, in West Bronx during the the launch of "My Brother's Keeper" alliance, Obama said that everybodyآ's success is not guaranteed, but "we do strive to guarantee an equal shot for everybody whoآ's willing to work for it." After he joint ventures with philanthropy and the private sector back in 2014 in launch of My Brotherآ's Keeper initiative, Obama today stressed that by almost every measure, the life chances of the average young
man of color is worse than his peers.
Obama launches "My Brother's Keeper" initiative
"Very early on with my son, we said if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do, don't move suddenly, don't reach for your cell phone, because we know, sadly, there's a greater chance it might be misinterpreted if it was a young
man of color."
New York City Mayor rouses contempt from the city's police
"Over the years, we've identified key moments in the life of a boy or a young
man of color that will, more often than not, determine whether he succeeds or falls through the cracks," Obama said.
My Brother's Keeper focuses on support for young men of color
It was "a time of monarchy and a time of turmoil," says John Guare, speaking of the setting for his play A Free
Man of Color, which premiered at New York's Lincoln Center Theater in 2010, with Jeffrey Wright in the title role.
Guare or when?
Why do you think a White woman will represent your interests better than a
man of color?
Presidential election highlights issue of race
While reading your piece about HIV and AIDS and the progress or changes in society's attitudes (or lack thereof) since 1983, I was pleased that you included a
man of color Magic Johnson--as an example of someone who is "thriving" despite his status as a person who is HIV-positive.
Bad link
Antonio himself was a
man of color who cooked up vegetarian Mexican dishes and ran his own business.
What's love got to do with it?
As a
man of color performing in apartheid-dominated South Africa, Naidu became a pioneer.
DTH one year later: "cautiously optimistic"
WHEN SOJOURNER TRUTH GOT UP BEFORE THE 1851 Women's Convention and cried out, "Ain't I a woman?" the former slave and mother of 13 demanded the same rights granted every white man and claimed by every white woman and
man of color. Just because her flesh was both female and black, Truth would not consent to be overlooked or ignored like some nobody.
Missing persons: we see a lot of young, pretty, white people in movies and on TV. But a few photographers and directors are working to remind us of the people we don't see--and why we should take a second look
man of color) is the product of a later period.
Paul Marchand, F. M. C
Although Othello is a mercenary and almost certainly a
man of color, the Duke and senators of Venice treat him with the utmost deference--with the respect he has earned as a kind of crusading soldier.
The wound and the covenant
In 2009, Oscar Grant III, a young
man of color, was shot in the back and killed by a transit policeman at a subway station in Oakland, Calif.
Leading the movement for health equity, social justice, human rights