For Shelley as for William Blake,
mankind suffers because it has fallen into division.
Prometheus Unbound
From eon to eon, from era to era,
mankind has dramatically grown towards the light in terms of knowledge, mobility, communications, agriculture, and manufacturing industry.
Swinging back and forth
Whether it be through the threads of our separate cultural developments, our own religions, our own acceptance of philosophies, reasoning and education, our determination of norms and values -- when those threads are united in a common bond of kinship and respect,
mankind as a whole has benefited.
Moon landing showed what is possible
Positive research was necessary for progress and the world could only progress if science was used for development and progress of
mankind, he added.
VC KU emphasizes importance of science for welfare of mankind
Ian McNicholl, a domestic abuse survivor and ambassador of the
ManKind Initiative, said: "When people hear it being referred to as that, they associate it with legislation brought in to help protect women.
Charity in Clare's Law plea for men
The last day of the traditional octave or eight days of prayer and daily consecration to the Father of All
Mankind, that began last Sunday, July 29, will be held tomorrow.
Feast of God, the Father of All Mankind
Technology certainly has given way to an improved lifestyle and contributed towards the growth of economies; however, the amount of damage it has done to the environment as well as the
mankind is a cause of serious concern.
Dissipated use of technology
Gadot said it does not make any sense why Diana - whose mission is to save
mankind - would ever abandon them.
Gal Gadot Admits 'Batman V Superman' Storyline Was Wrong
Arjun Juneja joined New Delhi-based
Mankind Pharma in 2008 after completing his Bachelor of Business Management from the University of Bradford and MBA from the University of Strathclyde, UK.
Billion dreams
This event leads to the world of "Deus Ex:
Mankind Divided."
To sneak quietly in a world of sound and fury
For online gaming chat join us live on Weds at 8pm dailymirror DEUS EX:
MANKIND DIVIDED PC, Xbox One, PS4 PS39.99 - PS49.99 When it comes to choice and freedom in gameplay, the Deus Ex series sits on top of the pile.
Thrills, spills and skills; Game of the week
US Government Is to Make Up for Injustice They Perpetrated against
Mankind: Jazayeri Jazayeri recalled targeting Iranian passenger plane in July 3, 1988 by US, a historical shame on the US administration of ex-president Ronald Reagan
US Government Is to Make Up for Injustice They Perpetrated against Mankind: Jazayeri
Plato tells a story, familiar to most of us, of how tools and abilities were distributed to all the animals, fangs and claws and stingers, yet all of these gifts were gone when
mankind reached the head of the line.
Beyond 120: Are We Finally Getting Older Slower?
The title of this presentation contains two important elements or poles: first,
mankind, and second, creation.
Mankind and the order of creation
A genetic virus, engineered to spread infertility across
mankind, threatens the very basis of the growth of
mankind - giving birth.
New technology the root cause of future threats: Stephen Hawking