
we was robbed

The victory, success, or optimal outcome we deserved was stolen or cheated from us! A nonstandard version of "we were robbed," often used ironically or humorously, sometimes stylized as "we wuz robbed." We would have won the game if they hadn't gotten that field goal at the very last second—we was robbed, I tell ya! People will no doubt flock to social media to scream that "we wuz robbed" after the outcome of the match.
See also: rob, we
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

we wuz robbed

Also, we was robbed or we were robbed. We were cheated out of a victory; we were tricked or outsmarted. For example, That ball was inside the lines-we wuz robbed! This expression, with its attempt to render nonstandard speech, has been attributed to fight manager Joe Jacobs (1896-1940), who uttered it on June 21, 1932, after his client, Max Schmeling, had clearly out-boxed Jack Sharkey, only to have the heavy-weight title awarded to Sharkey. It is still used, most often in a sports context.
See also: rob, we, wuz
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • we was robbed
  • we wuz robbed
  • vicked
  • just deserts
  • dessert
  • get (one's) just deserts
  • get just deserts
  • get your deserts
  • get your just deserts
  • receive (one's) just deserts
References in periodicals archive
I tink it's so clever until Becky tells me dat some old guy from The New York Times, Hirschfeld, wuz already doing 'em for probably way longer than me cuz he get da full-on Santa Claus beard and everyting.
Ahmed M, Tariq WUZ. Extent of past hepatitis B virus exposure in asymptomatic Pakistani young recruits.
For we sought to establish ourselves upon a rock, but found that the underpinnin wuz gone out uv it.
xcpt u & me n the altr boys room :) <whts a grl doin n the altr boys room> Joey wuz alwys askin <i dont git it> poorboy joey!!!
The starting point for their friendship was a shared interest in Thomas Merton and Ezra Pound; Davenport was exploring the publication of the later Cantos and Laughlin brought out his study Pound Az Wuz in 1987.
The coal hoose and neeties wuz champion fo' hiddeny
Oh how I would rush to vote for a party with the guts to say "We wuz wrong".
So, it's "Calling all kids!"--especially those who like to do crafts just for the fun of it--for the skinny on "wuz up" in the Creativity think tank.
"I is astin' you ef you done anyt'ing dat wuz wrong--dat wuz natch'ly wrong!"
`And look what Britney wrote in the guest book: "Britney wuz here so wuz my dog Mickey."'
I WUZ ROBBED: It's Robbie's problem that his album gets credited to Robin
Hit wuz gittin' pert nigh close on to dark and I'se still bout a mile frum home.
He had uh boy dat wuz kinda mischeevous an' one time he made de ole man so mad he tole 'im to git out an' go where he couldn't never see 'im no more.
"Truly," drawls the Duke in his single line, "this man wuz the son of Gahd."
In his master-opus "I'm da Guy Dat Found da Lost Chord," Durante would exclaim: "They sed Beethoven wuz crazy!