Peter was part of the operation by anti-slavery charity Hope for Justice which led to the recent jailing of gang bosses forcing Polish nationals to
work for pittance while housing them in filthy, overcrowded houses in Sandwell, Smethwick, Handsworth's Soho Road, and Walsall.
I was told: 'They'll kidnap you and destroy you in the middle of nowhere and no-one will find you' MAN MARKED ENEMY NO.1 BY PEOPLE TRAFFICKERS WHO SMASHED BRITAIN'S BIGGEST SLAVERY GANG
It's a slap in the face also to those poor graduate nurses expected to
work for pittance while those at the top rake it in.
Salary top-ups are disgraceful
All them
work for pittance. They alleged that their accommodation at Al-Kakiah area in Makkah lacked even the basic minimum facilities.
Makkah cleaners call off strike
The latest incident comes after another high-profile case in November 2009 when a Greek Cypriot man was arrested in connection with allegedly exploiting and trafficking around 140 Romanian workers in Tseri living in horrid condition and made to
work for pittance with little money or even food.
Romanian workers paid just 60 euros a week
That means giving Royal Navy work to our own tried and trusty workers, instead of allowing unfair competition by German yards using "ghost workers" who are happy to
work for pittance wages.
RECORD VIEW:Give Govan a guarantee
Police say the Romanian workers were put in horrid living conditions and made to
work for pittance with little money even for food.
Trafficking victims dumped by the state
There are thousands of factories and offices, restaurants and cafes, where women
work for pittances, less than their male colleagues doing the same jobs.
Muckraking malarkey
Regarding the old chestnut of doing jobs the indigenous people are unwilling to do most of those entering our country are young, single men prepared to live dozens to a house, having no outlay for gas, electric, council tax etc and prepared to
work for pittances to stay in this country.
Letter: Mailbag - Time warp theory