
wild and woolly

1. Coarse, unrefined, or uncouth in appearance or behavior. I was a little nervous about bringing my wild and woolly cousins to the black-tie event in Manhattan, thinking their country ways might not mesh well with my metropolitan colleagues. We all looked a bit wild and woolly after coming back from our three-week camping expedition.
2. Exciting, crazy, or out of hand. Things got pretty wild and woolly and Jenny's party last night.
See also: and, wild, woolly


slang A hand-rolled cigarette (joint) or cigar (blunt) filled with a mixture of marijuana and either crack cocaine or PCP. Everyone got real messed up once we started smoking woolies. Yo, Mike's got some angel dust on him if you want to roll up a woolie.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

wild and woolly

Inf. exciting. Things get a little wild and woolly on a Friday evening at Wally's place. The ride home was a little wild and woolly.
See also: and, wild, woolly
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

wild and woolly

uncouth in appearance or behaviour.
This phrase was originally applied to the American West. The adjective woolly probably refers to sheepskin clothing worn with the wool still attached to it, seen as characteristic clothing of the pioneers and cowboys who opened up the western US.
See also: and, wild, woolly
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

wild and woolly

mod. exciting; hairy. Things get a little wild and woolly on a Friday evening at Willy’s place.
See also: and, wild, woolly
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

wild and woolly (West), the

The untamed, wide open western United States. The term dates from the late nineteenth century, popularized by a book title, Adair Welcker’s Tales of the “Wild and WoollyWest” (1891). A publisher’s note on the book said “wild and woolly” referred to the rough sheepskin coats worn by cowboys and farmers, but Franklin P. Adams said “wild, woolly and full of flies” was a cowboy’s expression for a genuine cowboy. Owen Wister’s The Virginian (1902) stated, “I’m wild, and woolly and full of fleas,” which was later picked up in the cowboy ditty, “Pecos Bill and the Wilful Coyote” (ca. 1932) by W. C. White: “Oh, I’m wild and woolly and full of fleas, Ain’t never been curried below the knees.”
See also: and, wild, woolly
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • wild and woolly
  • wild and woolly (West), the
  • rough as bags
  • hold (someone or something) up to scorn
  • hold up to scorn
  • hold up to ridicule
  • hold (someone or something) up to ridicule
  • ridicule
  • tackhead
  • nail in the coffin of (something)
References in periodicals archive
Palydheri, the site where woolly flying squirrel presence was confirmed by trapping the injured animal, was located at an elevation of 3340m, characterized by Pinus wallichiana, Betula utilis and Abies pindrow as prominent tree species along with dominant shrubs including Rhododendron hyperythrum, Skimmia laureola and Salix flabellaris (Table 1).
This work shows that although hunting by people may have contributed to the demise of woolly mammoths, contact with humans isn't the only reason this furry branch of the Elephantidae family went extinct.
The objective of this study was to provide growers with necessary information to achieve optimal control of hemlock woolly adelgid with a single insecticide application.
You pull a woolly hat down on your head, be it cloche, beret or beanie, and if you have so much of a smidgen of age-related droopage, you become Methuselah's ancient auntie at a stroke.
"I would like to see a woolly mammoth and maybe my grandchildren will," says Webb Miller who co-headed the study.
"Those weeks of changeover do sometimes have an effect, but we have seen Guineas winners in the past who have had woolly coats."
Margaret Hanson, Chief Officer of Age Concern North East Wales, said: "Lots of people told us they found it easy to help last year because, by knitting these little woolly hats, they had found something that fitted in around the rest of their busy lives.
TOUGHNESS Woolly thyme can handle modest foot traffic, and it grows everywhere in the West except Hawaii.
Modern elephants and woolly mammoths share a common ancestor that lived about 6 million years ago.
The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, or HWA, is native to Japan and was first brought to the western U.S.
Kristi Kimberly Gilbert Gary Mark Sullivan Farley Scott McCormick Anita Maia DeSanti Harley Andrew Wassenich Dad Paul Morella Uncle Jerry Michael Willis Mom Marni Penning The Woolly Mammoth Theater Company celebrates its 25th anniversary by finally moving into its own comfortable space in northwest D.C.
Woolly mammoths were hairy, elephantlike animals that roamed the tundra between 400.000 and 10,000 years ago.
Would it be Jack, the biggest and strongest, or would we be able to convince Pop to keep Woolly?
Resource managers recently released about 10,000 of the beetles at four sites in the park in an attempt to battle infestations of the non-native hemlock woolly adelgid, an Asian import that kills most of the hemlock trees it attacks by sucking sap from the trees' needles, causing defoliation.
One wore a dark track-suit and a woolly Nike hat and the other had dreadlocks, dark trousers, a dark jacket and woolly Adidas hat.