All his finery was gone; he was naked as when he was born, with the exception of a scanty flap that answered the purpose of
a fig leaf. His fellow-travellers at first did not know him, but supposed it to be some vagrant Root Digger sneaking into the camp; but when they recognized in this forlorn object their prime wag, She-wee-she, whom they had seen depart in the morning in such high glee and high feather, they could not contain their merriment, but hailed him with loud and repeated peals of laughter.
Adventures of Captain Bonneville USA in the Rocky Mountains and
It doesn't matter if you buy a fig, trade cuttings with a friend, or receive a shoot from a neighbor; you can grow figs just about anywhere in the USA, worthy of showing off with or without
a fig leaf.
FANTASTIC FIGS: Easy-to-grow figs bring sweet Mediterranean flavors to your kitchen
When she set her eyes on the V&A's copy of Michelangelo's David for the first time, the queen was deeply shocked at the absence of
a fig leaf. It is a curious reaction from a woman who reputedly enjoyed being chased around the bedroom by Albert.
Changing attitudes in the flesh; Richard Edmonds discovers the role of the male nude in art through the centuries
The garments, which feature either
a fig leaf or a clasped hands motif, are composed of a mixture of tungsten and other metals that do not set off metal detectors.
Novel fig leaf knickers to protect travellers' privates from airport scanners
Wrap each halibut fillet completely with a fig leaf, securing with a toothpick if necessary.
Lay the roasted fig on a fig leaf along with the dressed fava bean salad.
Celebrity guests at a swish New York fashion show couldn't believe their eyes when Jim strutted down the catwalk munching an apple - wearing nothing but
a fig leaf to mask his manhood.
Well, would you Adam and Eve it
She said: 'Researchers at Liverpool University took photos and X-rays and decided that, yes, he was originally cast with
a fig leaf and so he's got a new one.'
Hercules and fig leaf unchained
A photograph of the sculpture taken in the 1850s, which showed
a fig leaf held in place by a belt with a decorative buckle, was studied to aid the design of the new covering.
Hercules' modesty restored