verb. sap.

verb. sap.

A shortening of the Latin phrase verbum sapienti sat est, literally, "a word to the wise (is sufficient)," meaning a wise or prudent person does not or should not require any further explanation. Typically used to emphasize the advice implied by one's statement. I fear Mr. Thompson's involvement with this scandal threatens our entire enterprise. We should reevaluate our relationship with him—verb. sap. Repeating the same weak, debunked arguments won't make them true, you know. Verb. sap.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • aint
  • ain't
  • not a word
  • not for a second
  • not for a minute
  • not for a moment
  • not for a/one minute/moment/second/instant
  • not for a instant
  • not by any means
  • by no means