In most jurisdictions, a child
born out of wedlock does not have an automatic right to an intestate share of his or her father's estate.
Mother's baby, father's maybe! - Intestate succession: when should a child born out of wedlock have a right to inherit from or through his or her biological father?
and biological father is foreign is a child
born out of wedlock to the
Defining family in immigration law: accounting for nontraditional families in citizenship by descent
(a) The natural parents participated in a marriage ceremony before or after the birth of the person
born out of wedlock, even though the attempted marriage is void.
Fatherhood in Florida
It's high time a law was passed that somehow allowed children who are
born out of wedlock here to have some kind of documentation, so that when their mothers are deported the children aren't left stranded at the mercy of strangers.
Don't punish innocent child
Therefore, the children of these couples would be regarded as having been
born out of wedlock and, in accordance with Canadian citizenship and immigration law, could not be Canadian citizens.
The "lost Canadians"
Yasuhiro Okuda, law professor at Chuo University who has submitted an opinion on the case to the Supreme Court, said that in the past 20 years tens of thousands of children have been
born out of wedlock to foreign mothers, citing data by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
3RD LD: Top court says marriage requirement for nationality unconstitutional
Now more than half of babies are
born out of wedlock, only 23pc of the population is married with a child or children, 11pc are wed with no children, lone parents account for 13pc and 8pc are cohabiting.
Children `a luxury'
They claim Poe was
born out of wedlock because his parents' marriage occurred while his father, Allan Fernando Poe, was legally married to one Paulita Gomez.
Records show actor Poe could be ineligible for election
The number of peers in one's social network who have children
born out of wedlock also may have an impact on young males.
Prenatal involvement of adolescent unmarried fathers
born out of wedlock now outstrip babies born to married couples.
Marriage no longer the cornerstone
Other statistics released by the ONS reveal the number of births outside marriage continued its upward trend, with 40 per cent of children
born out of wedlock compared with 30 per cent in 1990.
Women having fewer children than any time in 70 years
Law was
born out of wedlock and abandoned during the Great Depression.
Author tells of troubled early life
born out of wedlock are less likely to visit their fathers than are children born in wedlock.
Do Nonresident Fathers Who Pay Child Support Visit Their Children More? New Federalism: National Survey of America's Families, Series B, No. B-44. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies
According to the latest Census figures, one-third of all babies born in America are now
born out of wedlock. It is true that in many cases, the unwed parents are a couple, and I personally know unmarried couples who have managed to create stable and happy homes for their children.
Sex and the Census
[42] The decree forbidding the designation of paternity on birth records when a child had been
born out of wedlock created its own set of predicaments.