time to kill

time to kill

Spare time which one must somehow occupy. The word kill here implies wasting or using time frivolously, and indeed this is the implication in Vanbrugh and Cibber’s play The Provok’d Husband (1728): “What think you, if we three sat soberly down to kill an hour at ombre [a card game]?” Ugo Betti (The Fugitive, 1953) took a more sober and critical view: “Killing time is the chief end of our society.”
See also: kill, time
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • any time means no time
  • (it's) time to push along
  • against time
  • against the clock
  • any time
  • (it's) time to run
  • anytime
  • about time
  • (it's) (a)bout time
  • at one time
References in classic literature
Following it up, he entered the defile, where he remained encamped for two days to allow the hunters time to kill and dry a supply of buffalo beef.
"You naughty child!" said the mother: and now she had not time to kill Gerda.
Give way, men, whispered Starbuck, drawing still further aft the sheet of his sail; there is time to kill a fish yet before the squall comes.
IF YOU find yourself with a bit of time to kill, tune into the excellent Off The Ball documentary looking back on Shelbourne's clashes with Deportivo.
In his declaration, Senator Hunkuyi called on all present that 'it is time to kill this change in Kaduna state.'
No Time to Kill divulges the story of Victor Alvarez, real-life bounty hunter, and P.I., whose hunted some of the most notorious and hardened bail jumpers in Arizona.
I have some time to kill so I try to ask the info centre why on earth small town Holi's railway station, where I'm writing a story about the split of Czechoslovakia, is called Holi nad Moravou even though only Holi is part of the region.
More ideas will likely be posted on the thread for as long as programmers have time to kill.
"With the third book, The Time to Kill, I wanted to turn that dynamic upside down.
Colin and Eric discover they have time to kill before the start of their evening watching tennis, but their choice of activity leads to Christine being much more involved in their night than they'd have preferred.
Skynet sends a shape-shifting T-1000 Terminator (Robert Patrick) back in time to kill John and end the human resistance.
A Time To Kill Film4, 9pm Young lawyer Jake Tyler Brigance (Matthew McConaughey) is enlisted to defend Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel L Jackson), a black man accused of murdering two men who abducted and sexually assaulted his 10-year-old daughter.
It's time to kill the grading curve, David Laude of the University of Texas at Austin argues.
The incident led at the time to kill two people and wounding nine others.
''A Time to Kill'' was made into a 1996 movie starring Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock and Samuel L.