'The President, Prime Minister, the former president and the politicians are
blamed for the economic crisis but no one speaks of the wrong doings which Central Bank officials are involved in' he said.
Ravi K blames CB for economic crisis, bond scam
Twenty-three percent of Americans overall
blamed Trump while just eight percent
blamed Ryan.
Americans Blame Trump For AHCA Failure: Poll
However, the fact that Americans have consistently
blamed Obama's predecessor more than they blame him for the country's economic problems may explain why his overall job approval rating has consistently exceeded his economic approval rating as well as Americans' general satisfaction with the country.
Bush Still Leads Obama in Blame for U.S. Economic Troubles
Stress was largely
blamed for the soaring increase in sick leave by both officers and civilian staff.
Sick days soaring as mental problems hit police officers
How is this civilised or fair - and then to add insult to tragedy the labourers themselves are
blamed. I could not believe my eyes.
Yes, we put in additional precautions but how can you predict the current torrential down fall of rain - so much in such a short time, "It is not the council that should be
blamed. It's an easy option to blame the local authority.
On the web; So what do YOU think? Join the debate at ... www.examiner.co.uk
Does Cameron remember who the minister
blamed for the queues?
Who is to blame? Your say
THE Queen's jubilee was yesterday
blamed by the Bank of England for the recession.
Nevertheless, public servants thinking about the degree to which they are personally responsible for the results of their actions or inactions (and therefore open to being
blamed) should read The Blame Game because it would help them come to grips with the "blame avoidance" context within which they must work out this vexing question.
The Blame Game: Spin, Bureaucracy, and Self-Preservation in Government
* SIR - Your article in Country & Farming ("Flying predators being
blamed for fall in numbers of other birds", September 27), with a nice photo of a red Kite and the caption "birds such as red Kites are pushing some birds to extinction", is wrong in that it blames red Kites for the demise of woodland birds.
I was once in love with a man who
blamed. He
blamed someone for everything in his life that wasn't perfectly to his liking.
Ciao, Blame
The mam-of-four said the boys were
blamed for things they hadn't done because they had a reputation.
My boys aren't that bad
If global warming predicts "a catastrophy of cold and hot, drought and flood", then can the great Australian droughts of the 19th century be
blamed on global warming?
Global warming too convenient; Letters
The ethnic Albanian leaders should also be
blamed because they kept quiet and were not more determined in their demands and for this reason they now seek the blame in others.
Break-up, second part
On his view, blame is not simply an evaluative attitude or an emotion; rather, when one blames another, one judges her blameworthy and, crucially, takes one's relationship with her to be impaired; one's attitudes towards the
blamed person change.
T.M. Scanlon: Moral Dimensions: Permissibility, Meaning, Blame