the mind boggles

the mind boggles

The current situation, or the thing just discussed, is difficult or impossible to comprehend. How is it possible that he got lost on his way home yet again? The mind boggles.
See also: boggle, mind
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

the mind boggles

COMMON You say the mind boggles when you find something difficult to imagine or understand because it is so surprising, strange, or complicated. With technology like this, the mind boggles at what geography classes will be like in the not-too-distant future. The mind boggles to think what they could eventually achieve. Note: You can also say that something boggles the mind or that it boggles your mind with the same meaning. Such statements boggle the mind. Talk about amazing coincidences — this one absolutely boggled my mind. Note: You can also describe something very surprising, strange, or complicated as mind-boggling. The mind-boggling 2,100-page timetable comes complete with a 40-page supplement. The range of products on offer is simply mind-boggling. Note: The word `boggle' is probably derived from the word `bogle', which is an old-fashioned word for an evil spirit or `bogey', as in `bogey man'.
See also: boggle, mind
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

the mind ˈboggles (at something)


it boggles the ˈmind

(informal) you find it difficult to imagine something because it is so surprising, strange or complicated: The mind boggles at the thought of a boxer dressed up as a fairy. The vastness of space really boggles the mind. ▶ ˈmind-boggling adj.: Distances in space are mind-boggling.
See also: boggle, mind
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • it boggles the mind
  • have no chance in hell
  • be beyond (one)
  • be beyond somebody
  • beyond
  • beyond (someone or something)
  • beyond me
  • be near to impossible
  • milk a duck
  • milking a duck
References in periodicals archive
Ben also deserves to be fired, for thinking he's the best-looking candidate and for trying to invent an appalling, 'spring loaded' (the mind boggles) device to keep fit while having sex.
The mind boggles. One for people-watchers with a lot of time on their hands.
A total weirdo from Bristol has been reported to the RSPCA for feeding Viagra to his pet Labrador (I know, the mind boggles).
The mind boggles at the very thought until you remember that it was an Englishman, Charles Worth, who established the first haute couture house in Paris in 1858 and started the whole industry off.
The mind boggles as to what will happen if he becomes Prime Minister.
As for Posh becoming a Lady, the mind boggles as she certainly has never appeared that yet.
The mind boggles at the sum conscience-stricken Ridsdale would have been prepared to pay Bowyer if he had wanted to keep him.
The mind boggles. The space they've taken up in the Daily Post could have been occupied by tales of the unsung heroics that nurses, doctors and all the emergency services do.
The mind boggles at the thought of Ulster paramilitary bosses on money- laundering, art- buying expeditions to London or Paris, for paintings to adorn their kitchen-houses.