that's that
(and) that's that
That is final; the issue is settled or completed. You are going to your sister's recital and that's that! No more complaining. That's that! I just send the proofs to the printer. Let's just say that's that and be done with it.
See also: that
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
that's that
Also, that takes care of that. There's no more to be said or done; the matter is finished, the issue is settled. For example, Dad's not buying you a television set, and that's that, or We've paid all we owe, and that takes care of that. [Early 1800s]
See also: that
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
that's that
1. People say that's that to say that something is finished or has been dealt with. Once all my hair had gone I could just say `Well, it's happened and that's that.' `Well that's that, then,' he said with relief. `Now I can go.'
2. People say that's that to show that they will not accept any arguments. We're going out and that's that.
See also: that
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
that's that
there is nothing more to do or say about the matter.See also: that
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
(and/so) ˌthat’s ˈthat
used to show that something is finished or decided, and there should be no more discussion or argument: So that’s that. At last we’re all agreed. You’re going to bed now, and that’s that! I don’t want any argument!See also: that
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
that's that
That’s all; that finishes it. This expression may have begun life as that’s for that; James Kelly’s Scottish Proverbs (1721) stated, “That’s for that. . . . Spoken when a thing fits nicely what it was design’d for.” The present-day locution dates from the early twentieth century, and there are several variants: and that is that; and that’s that; well, that’s that. All of them became current in the middle of the century. See also that does it.
See also: that
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- (and) that's that
- And that's that
- That’s that!
- That's that!
- that's more like it
- that's just it
- that's all
- that's right
- that's a shame
- That's the stuff!