out on bail
out on bail
No longer being held in prison while awaiting trial after having paid an amount of money determined by a judge. The former CEO was caught trying to flee the country while out on bail. She was out on bail, so at least she could spend the time before the trial with he children.
See also: bail, on, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
out on bail
out of jail after a court appearance and pending trial because bail bond money has been paid. (The money will be forfeited if the person who is out on bail does not appear for trial at the proper time.) Bob got out on bail waiting for his trial. The robber committed another crime while out on bail.
See also: bail, on, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
out on bail
Released from custody on the basis of bail being posted, as in The lawyer promised to get him out on bail. This expression alludes to a payment made to the court as surety that the accused will appear for trial.
See also: bail, on, out
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- bring about
- thick on the ground
- thick/thin on the ground
- be had up (for something)
- pilfer
- pilfer from
- pilfer from (someone or something)
- pilfered
- catch a tiger by the tail
- the blame for (something)