the lowest common denominator

the lowest common denominator

The portion of society that is the least sophisticated or has the lowest level of taste. The phrase is often used when referring to the market for what one perceives as a tacky product or a base form of entertainment. I want to go see a movie, but everything in the theater is for the lowest common denominator. Don't they make films for people who think anymore?
See also: common, denominator, low
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • (one's) best foot forward
  • best foot forward
  • how about
  • how/what about...?
  • eggs is eggs
  • How long is a piece of string?
  • from my cold, dead hands
  • kicking and screaming
  • great minds
  • great minds think alike
References in periodicals archive
"The diplomacy, politics, and military diplomacy in particular are just created to find a common denominator, not based on the principle of the lowest common denominator, but according to the principle of the greatest common denominator.
Why must we have the lowest common denominator in absolutely everything?
The most common segment to the lowest common denominator mentality historically has been insurance-owned broker-dealers, which by their very nature are overtly risk adverse.
Which means that leaves (electric?) buses for all: exactly what the embittered socialist green prosperity-haters want, all of us levelled to the lowest common denominator, having to rely on public sector services controlled by them.
He has achieved it by making his newspaper the mostbought in the country by appealing to the lowest common denominator, people who take no interest in politics, so they're happy to be manipulated as to how to vote.
DAVID CAMERON attempted to frighten the nation's shire horses by deploying the lowest common denominator contention that Brexit could lead to some sort of military conflict in Europe.
The physicist added: "He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
While the humour's of the lowest common denominator variety, De Niro's performance with Efron as his foil is a hoot.
School uniform is a serious matter and should not be brought down to the lowest common denominator.
The result is a reduction to choices between alternatives that reflect the lowest common denominator of features that satisfy the needs of most members of the committee.
"I am committed to continuing implementation of these standards," said State Superintendent Carey Wright How could she and her board, a majority appointed by now Common Core foes Bryant and Reeves, not get on board the lowest common denominator bandwagon?
I suspect it is a bid to open Channel 4 to new audiences attracted to the lowest common denominator of public taste.
As long as programming doesn't sink to pleasing the lowest common denominator...
They insult the intelligence of the people by bringing the level of our political discourse down to the lowest common denominator. No wonder, when they talk development, like Modi attempted to do in Pune, they get their facts wrong.
It appeals to the lowest common denominator - it's a freak show.