
door to door

1. Literally, describing the act of traveling to the door of each home in a particular area, typically to sell or obtain something. We went door to door selling candy bars for the school fundraiser. You'll have to go door to door collecting signatures so that city council knows that other residents are in favor of this change.
2. From one's door to another location. My commute isn't bad at all—just 20 minutes door to door.
3. Describing the act of transporting something from one's door to another location. What is the cost to move this couch door to door?
See also: door
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. . Lit. having to do with movement from one door to another or from one house to another. John is a door-to-door salesman. We spent two weeks making a door-to-door survey.
2. Fig. by moving from one door to another or one house to another. Anne is selling books door-to-door. We went door-to-door, collecting money.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • door to door
  • from door to door
  • shut the door on
  • shut the door on (something)
  • shut/close the door on something
  • close the door on (something)
  • slam the door shut
  • open the door to
  • open the door to (someone or something)
  • on the knocker
References in periodicals archive
Since these officials have to be in school from Mondays to Fridays, the teachers go door-to-door on Saturday and Sunday, their gazette off-days, to collect the data.
He added that a strategy will be devised for covering all children once it is known how many people refuse the door-to-door vaccinations.
Mohammed Ali said that since India allows such door-to-door parcel service only at New Delhi airport, clearance and delivery expenses to the southern states have increased due to high transportation cost.
Authorities advise people to be suspicious whenever a door-to-door seller uses pressure tactics, and to ask about a company's contact information in order to find out whether they represent a legitimate business.
EFFICIENCY Robert Greener says door-to-door leaflet distribution is a cost-effective way to advertise
"What worried me was that these door-to-door fish sellers were actually targeting the elderly and there was no check on where the fish came from."
The ocean carriers agreed to expand their service to include container drayage and to provide door-to-door service.
Door-to-door selling is nowhere near as cost-ettective as telemarketing, but with the do-not-call list, better spam blockers and so many overly complicated Web sites, we have to admire the tenacity of salespeople who will hustle to go door-to-door.
FROG involved them in the survey in a bid to help them gain experience in door-to-door interviewing and develop learning skills.
Other items included in the memorandum are more frequent use of audio-loops for election related public meetings, forums and debates, better use of written materials by door-to-door canvassers and provisions for establishing TTY lines in caucus offices and in provincial parties' campaign offices along with support from all parities to amend the Elections Act or regulations to include funding for the accessibility needs of deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened Nova Scotians.
It is the traditional door-to-door selling of insurance policies.
is partnering with Enterprise Rent-A-Car to provide cars for the insurer's concierge service program called Door-to-Door Service.
Premier is a leading company specializing in door-to-door international household goods transportation for foreign and Japanese professionals relocating into and out of Japan.
Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether an Ohio town can require door-to-door solicitors, including religious groups, to identify themselves to authorities before engaging in outreach efforts.
Ademas de crear una red de centros de logistica en lugares tales coma Hong Kong, Miami y Sao Paulo, Lobraus ha forjado alianzas en toda America Latina (Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile y Uruguay) y en la region de Asia-Pacifico (Taiwan, Corea y China) donde las operaciones de importacion y exportacion requieren servicios "door-to-door".