dope something out
dope out (something)
To solve or figure out; to calculate or infer from available information. We doped out a way of keeping the business open without having to fire anybody. I didn't read the required chapter before class, but I was able to dope out what was going on from the professor's lecture.
See also: dope, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
dope something out
tv. to figure out something from the dope (information) available. I think I can dope this thing out from the evidence available.
See also: dope, out, something
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- draw an inference
- infer
- infer from
- infer from (something)
- deduce
- deduce (something) from (something)
- deduce from
- square the circle
- to the gills
- read into (something)