Repeat cystourethroscopy at 8 weeks post-operatively demonstrated mild meatal stenosis and bulbar urethral stricture requiring dilation, with minimal inflammation at the site of bladder incarceration but an otherwise
well-healed bladder.
Case--Recurrent incarcerated inguinal bladder hernia with small bowel obstruction
With a proposed rail link between Lumbini and Kathmandu which will in turn connect to Lhasa and Buddhist sites in China, a new globalised Buddhist network will be created that will be fuelled by
well-healed Chinese tourists and pilgrims.
China using Buddhism to increase its influence in South Asia
class="MsoNormalFACTORIES GROUNDED class="MsoNormalInstead, the cash is channelled to
well-healed fraudsters and farmers are left to agonise with huge loans used to grow the crop.
Cane farming needs a serious re-think
Well-healed scar from previous surgery noted in right lower quadrant.
Older Adolescent with Cystic Fibrosis: Transitioning to Adult Care
On top of that, the company of servitors was shunned by Oxford's more
well-healed undergraduates, who were not expected to have anything to do with them.
The world's first ECO-WARRIOR; 18th century Midland vicar was a true lover of nature centuries before modern-day green movement
Follow-up after three weeks revealed
well-healed mucosa at the surgical site with minimal notching on the alveolar ridge and no evidence of recurrence (Figure 4).
Congenital Granular Cell Tumor: Case Report and Review
well-healed wound site is shown 2 weeks after rotation-advancement flap repair.
Skin necrosis in a magnet-based bone-conduction implant
A recent study of patients who did not use a dressing on a
well-healed exit site had similar rates of exit site infections as compared to those patients that wore a dressing daily (Taheri et al., 2017).
Peritoneal Dialysis Access Management: More Than Skin Deep
Examination showed that her lower leg was non-tender with a
well-healed scar from the initial traumatic event.
Contact dermatitis presenting as cellulitis after wound care treatment
So, if ITCs could be established that catered to less
well-healed, younger families, closer to places of work and public facilities, they might be able to replicate their success at the high end with a larger potential base of customers.
Bricks And Mortar
In some
well-healed circles, thin beef gravy is called au jus.
Good gravy: thin or thick? It all depends on your taste
Examination demonstrated a
well-healed midline scar and no effusion but a prominent swelling anterior to the patella.
An Unusual Prepatellar Bursa Swelling: Patellar Button Dissociation and Migration
At 01 year postoperatively, radiographs showed the fracture to have been
well-healed with good congruity of the joint.
Central acetabular fracture with dislocation treated by minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis
The founding fathers created it in the 1920s, luring the rich New Yorkers and
well-healed Eastern seaboard dwellers down with claims that this was better than going to Europe by boat.
Spaced out in America's weird and wacky ways
In preparation for surgery, it is noted the patient has a
well-healed scar suggesting a prior tracheotomy, and his coagulation panel returned with an unexpected elevation of his PT/INR.
Is middleware the right medicine? Doubt forms over HIEs and HL7, while real interoperability battles impact the OR