
summon (one) before (someone)

To demand, instruct, or request that one come to or appear in front of someone. Often used in passive constructions. The leaders of congress were summoned before the president to explain the status of the tax overhaul. The king summoned the traitor before him to pass judgment.
See also: before, summon

summon (one) to

1. To demand or instruct that one come to or appear at some place or thing. The president summoned the congressional leader to his office to explain the status of the tax legislation. He summoned me to the front of the class to read the note out loud.
2. To demand or instruct that one do something; to order one to take a particular action. I summoned the criminal to lay down his weapon and surrender. The boss summoned him to deliver the package himself.
See also: summon

summon up

To elicit or evoke something; to uncover and draw forth something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "summon" and "up." I just couldn't summon the courage up to confront my boss about the issue. His memory is remarkable—he can summon up the most mundane details from weeks ago.
See also: summon, up

summon up (one's) courage

To emotionally prepare oneself to do a frightening or overwhelming task; to bolster one's courage. I'm really nervous about asking Sarah out on a date, but I just need to summon up my courage and go through with it. I know he's terrified of speaking in public, so he's summoning up his courage with a stiff drink.
See also: courage, summon, up

summon up the courage to (do something)

To bolster one's courage or emotionally prepare oneself enough to do a frightening or overwhelming task. I want to ask Sarah out on a date, but I'm trying to summon up the courage to do it! I know he's terrified of speaking in public, so he's having a drink to help summon up the courage to go on stage.
See also: courage, summon, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

summon something up

to call forth particular qualities, such as strength, courage, wisdom, etc. She summoned her courage up and went into the room. Liz summoned up all her courage.
See also: summon, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

summon up

To call something forth; evoke something: I summoned up my courage and dove into the deep water. At first I couldn't remember the telephone number, but I summoned it up by concentrating very hard.
See also: summon, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • tap
  • tap (one) for (something)
  • tap for
  • tap someone
  • tap someone for something
  • tapping
  • taps
  • starve (someone or something) of (something)
  • starve of
  • sandwich (someone or something) between (someone or something else)
References in periodicals archive
According to Magistrate Bana's ruling on Thursday, the Court cannot hold the defendant in contempt, especially when there is no Sheriff's returns to show or prove that the two summons issued by the court were served and received by Miss Dolo or a representative from her institution La Queen Entertainment.
'We've issued the summons. The judge sent it to the prosecutor, and the prosecutor sent out the summons according to procedure.
The firms said that if a defendant is a corporation, service of summons may be made on the president, managing partner, general manager, corporate secretary or in-house counsel.
Counsel for De Eye Group, Gary Nimako, told the court that although the first defendant has not been served with the writ of summons, his lawyer, Samson Lardy Anyenini, has filed an application of appearance on his behalf, as if he had been served.
The investigating officer in the case said they had to wait for authority from the Director of Criminal Investigations to serve the summons.
India Today reported that Naseem Geelani had previously been summoned twice; however, this was the first time that Farooq was summoned.
However, because Sison is out of the country, the court said the summons would be served through publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
During course of proceeding, the bench expressed displeasure over absence of deputy secretary of Information Ministry and remarked that the court didn't unnecessarily summon the officers to save their time.
During the course of proceedings, the bench expressed displeasure over the absence of deputy secretary of the Information Ministry and remarked that the court didn't unnecessarily summon the officers.
If 9-year-old Payton Summons were lying in a hospital bed in Oklahoma, her parents would have more control over the ventilator that's currently breathing for her.
NAB Lahore had issued the summons to him a day ago.
Summons are being sent to these three officials by NAB Lahore.
A NAB official said that bureaucrat was served seven summons to appear before the anti-graft watchdog, however, he didn't appear even once.
The accused was summoned by the anti-graft watchdog repeatedly through summons sent to him but he did not turn up.
Earlier, Nawaz had not appeared before the bureau despite a summons as he was in London at the time.