duke it out

duke it out

1. To physically fight someone. Watch out, there's two guys duking it out in the back of the bar! I duked it out with some guy last night and earned myself a black eye for my troubles.
2. To contend with someone or something for something. In such a big family, my siblings and I always have to duke it out for our parents' attention.
See also: duke, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

duke it out

Sl. to have a fistfight. John told George to meet him in the alley so they could duke it out.
See also: duke, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

duke it out

fight it out. North American informal
Dukes or dooks are ‘fists’, especially when raised in a fighting position. The word comes from rhyming slang Duke of Yorks, ‘forks’ (i.e. fingers).
See also: duke, out
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

duke it out

phr. to have a fistfight. John told George to meet him in the alley so they could duke it out.
See also: duke, out
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • grapple
  • grappling
  • tear loose from (someone or something)
  • trade blows
  • light into
  • light into (someone or something)
  • light into someone
  • brace (oneself) for (something)
  • brace oneself for
  • suck into
References in periodicals archive
Jean-Baptiste hated family, we are told, yet he spawned one despite himself--a brood of pugilistic acolytes who duke it out with one another for the title to "dad's" affections.