till death do us part

till death do us part

A common phrase used in wedding ceremonies indicating that the marriage bond is be intended to last until death. Taken from the marriage liturgy in the Anglican Communion's Book of Common Prayer, the phrase refers to the fact that marriage is seen in the Christian faith as insoluble except by the death of one of the partners. (Also worded as "till death us do part," which is how it is written in the Book of Common Prayer.) It was only as I said "Till death do us part" that I realized the solemnity and magnitude of our marriage to one another.
See also: death, part, till
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


In addition to the subsequent idioms beginning with till, also see hand in the till; until.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • till
  • till death us do part
  • until death us do part
  • be one flesh
  • become one flesh
  • one flesh
  • mariage blanc
  • a shotgun wedding/marriage
  • shotgun marriage
  • sham marriage
References in periodicals archive
'Deadma Walking' tells us not to make 'dedma' to loving, till death do us part.
14, players can spend long hours in the two new maps for the "Till Death Do Us Part" Adversary Mode.
Players who will be accessing "Till Death Do Us Part," "Hasta la Vista," "Relay" and "Offense and Defense" will now be getting twice as much GTA$ and RPs.
MOUNTAIN GOATS BBC1, 10.35pm Last year, BBC One revived the Comedy Playhouse format (the anthology that in a previous life gave us Steptoe and Son, The Liver Birds and Till Death Do Us Part) to bring us three sitcom pilots, including Miller's Mountain, the tale of a ragtag collection of Scottish mountain rescue volunteers.
Jane Doe: till Death Do Us Part Five, 3.20pm Spy thriller about a housewife who leads a double life as an undercover government agent.
"With Jada, I stood up in front of God and my family and friends and said, 'Till death do us part.' So there are two possible outcomes: we are going to be together till death or I am dead.
People ask, 'What happens if you made a mistake?' Well, you should be a little more careful before you stand up in front of God and your family and friends and say, 'Till death do us part'," he added.
"Till death do us part." It sounds solemn and permanent--perhaps too permanent for some.
Three years after their last studio album Cypress Hill are back with Till Death Do Us Part - and with a sound which relies far more on the group's hip-hop roots than the rockier flavour which has marked more recent offerings.
On the evidence of Till Death Do Us Part - an hour of really good listening - they will sell a good few more million in the years to come.
"I just want to say that I don't think the two biggest problems in America are that too many people want to commit their lives to one another 'till death do us part' and steroids in sports."
Duffy believes that "till death do us part" should be removed from wedding ceremonies and replaced with "renewable on a four-year basis." The hilarity begins when his girlfriend Mel proposes.
Nothing in the last few years has matched Till Death Do Us Part for its biting satire and below-the-belt humour.
For Western music criticism, music has long needed an architect, someone who creates the master plan to make a musical work do what it has to do - make us happy till death do us part. That is the death of the listener to be sure; a work is meant to live eternally, filled with divine grace.
However, the couple were better known for massacre movies in the '90s including 'The Vizconde Massacre: God Help Us' (1993) and 'The Myrna Diones Story (Lord, Have Mercy)' (1993) starring Kris Aquino, 'The Untold Story: Vizconde Massacre II: May The Lord Be With Us' (1994), 'Lipa Massacre: Lord, Deliver Us From Evil' (1994), 'Antipolo Massacre (Jesus Save Us!)' (1994), 'The Lilian Velez Story: Till Death Do Us Part' (1995) starring Sharon Cuneta, and 'Annabelle Huggins Story-Ruben Ableza Tragedy' (1995).