pull in (one's) belt (a notch (or two))

pull in (one's) belt (a notch (or two))

To reduce, restrict, or limit one's budget or expenses; to live more modestly or make financial sacrifices. (Alluding to having a thinner waistline due to having less to eat.) It's pretty galling to see the CEO driving up to work in a brand new company car while the rest of us are being told to pull in our belts to help save the business. With your mother out of work, we're all going to have to pull in our belts a notch or two for a little while. I really love my new job, but it pays a lot less so I've had to start pulling in my belt a notch.
See also: belt, notch, pull
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • bring (someone) to heel
  • bring someone to heel
  • bring to heel
  • call (someone) to heel
  • be put out to grass
  • cook the books
  • cook the accounts
  • aloof from
  • catch a tiger by the tail