strange bedfellows

strange bedfellows

A pair of people, things, or groups connected in a certain situation or activity but extremely different in overall characteristics, opinions, ideologies, lifestyles, behaviors, etc. A notorious playboy musician and an ultra-conservative media pundit may be strange bedfellows, but the two are coming together all this month to bring a spotlight to suicide awareness. I thought that the two writers would make strange bedfellows, given the drastically different nature of their writing, but the books they've co-written actually work really well.
See also: bedfellow, strange
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

strange bedfellows

A peculiar alliance or combination, as in George and Arthur really are strange bedfellows, sharing the same job but totally different in their views . Although strictly speaking bedfellows are persons who share a bed, like husband and wife, the term has been used figuratively since the late 1400s. This particular idiom may have been invented by Shakespeare in The Tempest (2:2), "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." Today a common extension is politics makes strange bedfellows, meaning that politicians form peculiar associations so as to win more votes. A similar term is odd couple, a pair who share either housing or a business but are very different in most ways. This term gained currency with Neil Simon's Broadway play The Odd Couple and, even more, with the motion picture (1968) and subsequent television series based on it, contrasting housemates Felix and Oscar, one meticulously neat and obsessively punctual, the other extremely messy and casual.
See also: bedfellow, strange
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

strange bedfellows

An odd couple; a peculiar combination. Shakespeare appears to have originated the term, with his “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows” (The Tempest, 2.2). Several centuries later, Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote (The Caxtons, 1849), “Poverty has strange bedfellows.” Today we often say that politics makes strange bedfellows, meaning that politicians form odd associations in order to win more support or votes.
See also: bedfellow, strange
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • odd bedfellows
  • make odd bedfellows
  • make strange bedfellows
  • strange
  • be strange bedfellows
  • be/make strange bedfellows
  • bedfellow
  • value judgment
  • a value judgement
  • have (something) in common (with someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
He explained that he put his eclectic-seeming program of "strange bedfellows" together with disparate styles and languages, encompassing Italian, Russian, and German songs, and spirituals to counter the trend of putting people and ideas in boxes, and shutting them tight.
In the Philippines, show biz and politics are no strange bedfellows: Over the years, celebrities have become a regular sight in politics, occupying the lowest and highest positions in government.
Brits basking in the Spanish sun and MSPs in Edinburgh might seem strange bedfellows. But when it comes to Brexit they're joined at the hip.
The statement said it was now clear that the APC 'is an ideologically empty movement and a special purpose vehicle put together by egoistic strange bedfellows just for the purpose of winning political power and not for the good of Nigerians.'
The state of Nasa is a sobering warning to the nation to refrain from expedient political arrangements that come with every political season, even between very strange bedfellows with nothing in common.
Although the drive was never going to produce any significant results anyway, it managed to earn the support of both the PTI and the PPP strange bedfellows. However, now the PAT chairman has decided to quit the protests though he is still demanding for justice for people who lost their lives in the Model Town incident.
Do they think people would believe they are not strange bedfellows?
They cover feared and longed for barbarian invasions in contemporary politics and culture; savages and monsters old, new, and refurbished: canons recast in literature and film; and strange bedfellows: queering barbarians, barbarizing self-identity, playing holocaust.
Henson) past isn't in the past and will hurt his chances of becoming the mayor," the synopsis for "Strange Bedfellows" teases.
Handball can make for strange bedfellows. Michigan State University coach Carl Valentino models more MSU green attire than the campus bookstore has in stock.
They say politics makes strange bedfellows, and the mass shooting at a homosexual nightclub in Orlando, Florida, could prove that to be true.
Unfortunately, it would seem that common sense and Police Scotland make strange bedfellows.
Strange bedfellows Comedian Dom Joly tweeted this pic as he watched the big game with Gianfranco Zola, Jamie Theakston, James Nesbitt and Darren Clarke.
They note that medical marijuana has brought together "strange bedfellows" in Congress--both Sens.
There are two pairs of candidates most of us would want to call strange bedfellows for dancing in the same hall of politics as four candidates for president and vice president.