the curse

the curse

euphemism A menstrual period. Sorry, I don't think I'm going to come swimming. I got the curse yesterday. I get really bad cramps whenever the curse strikes.
See also: curse
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

the curse

n. the menses. The curse struck this morning.
See also: curse
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • bad word
  • damn (someone) with (something)
  • damn with
  • Aunt Flo
  • put the jinx on (something or someone)
  • curse with
  • curse with (something)
  • virgin ears
  • foul mouth
  • garbage mouth
References in classic literature
He carried my trespass to his betters; I was stubborn; wherefore, presently upon my head and upon all heads that were dear to me, fell the curse of Rome.
The curse of the Eyres of old has lain heavy on this country, and many have suffered from it.
Gentlemen, the Duke does really feel the bitterness about the curse that he uttered just now.
The ban applies whether or not the curse was directed to a person, or was spoken as an expression.
Only through healthy activities the curse of narcotics could be defeated.
Only the source did a thorough job passing on the curse, making it a trend in the family.
It is believed that the construction of a temple was disrupted by a woman and hence the curse was set upon this village."
Speaking at the Bat Out Of Hell musical premiere, Jonathan said: "Of course I'm not worried about the curse. It doesn't apply to him.
Speaking at the premiere of Bat Out of Hell The Musical, he said: "I'm not worried, about the curse - it doesn't apply to him.
The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, heard the curse and upon this he said: "Take away the luggage which the she-camel carries and let her away, because she is cursed".
Synopsis: "The End of the Curse: A Poetic and Photographic Account of Game 7 of the 2016 World Series, Chicago Cubs vs.
Others have helped ease the curse's pain and, more importantly, filled my freezer.
Black and Slave: The Origins and History of the Curse of Ham
However, Chad's refusal to believe in the curse could come back to haunt him when Abigail calls him with upsetting news on the Monday, May 15 episode of "Days of Our Lives."
With the help of his sister and the ghost of a long-dead lighthouse keeper, Jason discovers that the only way to break the curse is to risk his life to save the life of another.