mama's boy

mama's boy

A boy or man who is particularly close with his mother to the point of being overly dependent on her. Lynn dumped Mark because he was such a mama's boy and always ran to her to fix his problems.
See also: boy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

mama's boy

A sissy, especially a boy or man excessively attached to his mother. For example, The children called Tom a mama's boy because he ran home with every little problem. This sexist expression has survived despite its pejorative tone. [Colloquial; mid-1800s]
See also: boy
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • a mummy's/mother's boy
  • man and boy
  • oh
  • boy oh boy
  • Boy, oh boy!
  • Boy!
  • boy
  • rent boy
  • young man
  • Boy howdy!
References in periodicals archive
"Mama's Boy" is a fast read with witty observations, and all the emotions to go along.
The traits that define John in "The White Counterpane"--being peculiar, a mama's boy, and even conceited--do not lead to the same (admittedly inconsistent) praise and/or sympathy for black men as they do for some (presumably) white men like John in white supremacist society, as Dunbar's writing reveals.
Beware of the Mama's Boy because mama has grown accustomed to the way things are before you came along.
" Akshat Verma and the team of Mama's boy have deliberately and maliciously acted intending to outrage religious feelings of Hindus by insulting its religion and religious beliefs by making fun of its religious book.
"Throughout the history of the campaign, Campbell has brought passionate football fans delicious and hearty soups in flavors they love, paired with a "Mama's Boy'' they can relate to,'' said Mark Materacky, Senior Brand Manager Campbell's Chunky soup.
Best known for his virtually silent lead performance in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, the ethereal, expressive Whishaw can do a lot with very little, so to give him the role of a homosexual, alcoholic mama's boy is like setting a child loose in a candy store.
But thoughts of taking it easy are far from her mind, and this year she'll feature in two new films: Mama's Boy with Jeff Daniels and Smother with Liv Tvler.
Already something of a mama's boy, this identity was now thrust upon him, and he became the object of merciless harassment by his peers.
William Healy, one of Darrow's expert witnesses or "alienists," suggested this same division in Loeb's character, classifying him as a "pathological split personality" (Higdon 217), a strange combination of brutal killer and mama's boy who at one point explained that he blamed his partner for the murder because "mompsie" (Leopold 57) would be disappointed if he were revealed as the killer.
No Place Like Home, premiering in August at Trustus in Columbia, S.C., casts a comic eye on the strenuous efforts of the bound-and-gagged victim to extricate himself and these instant siblings--a mama's boy and a young woman who thinks she's Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice.
Gough's gentle accompaniment suits this odd, dual coming of age tale, where a thoroughly caddish, self-serving lout (Grant) quite accidentally befriends a horribly confused mama's boy (the brilliant Tom Collette) and in stumbling, bumbling fashion finds something of value to fill his empty, vapid life.
It doesn't help that the boss is a sex starved, chainsaw wielding mama's boy anxiously awaiting the arrival of his new mail order bride.
On page 36 of "Mama's Boy," it seems like the bottom of the page should have been continued on page 40 at the top of the page, instead of continuing on page 38, which it has at the bottom of the page for continuation.
Tenor Christopher Gillett cuts a convincing figure as the mama's boy of the title role, who finds his virginal self chosen as King of the May in a fictional East Suffolk village after the townspeople determine no local girl is suitably virtuous to wear the crown as Queen of the May.
The negative use of girl to mean a soft or effeminate boy or man comes next, followed by the mostly positive associations carried by daddy's girl compared to mama's boy. Girlie and girlish are also described.