Starvin' Marvin Nash is getting serious these days--with a new mentoring program that rounds up bullies.
Staring down the bullies
Here are what my recent computer searches have brought up: conch shell lamp, handkerchief with Florida map, various little spoons like you'd find at
Starvin' Marvin, souvenir orange (made of wood), ceramic flamingo spoon rest, snow globe with dolphins on teeter-totter, tropical nativity scene made of driftwood, painted sand dollars, coconut penny bank, shot glasses, plates, thimbles, playing cards, ashtrays, beer stems, salt and pepper shakers and a clear toilet seat full of seashells.
Greeting from Florida: everybody's crazy about Florida souvenirs. But comic novelist Tim Dorsey is a little crazier than most archive/favourite-party-games-in-general/ where the most popular suggestions are currently General Post, a game of swapping seats which we are warned can end with tears and blood, and two slightly safer suggestions - a spelling game called Ghost and a word game,
Starvin' Marvin, though the contributor can't remember why. GREAT GAME IDEAS
In South Park Rally players choose from one out of 27 South Park characters who drive vehicles matching their individual personality, such as Cartman in his police tricycle, Grampa in his jet-powered wheelchair and
Starvin' Marvin in his motorized wheat sack.
Who expects, when he falls in love, with the girl, say, at the
Starvin' Marvin, under ordinary circumstances, to have fallen in love with .
How many times have you bought gas at
Starvin' Marvin's and the clerk gives you a soggy wad of bills that come from the pocket of a drunken redneck who has doubtless toppled overboard from some rowboat.
Mr. Chatterbox