
sex machine

1. Someone who engages in very frequent or vigorous sex. I've just never really been a sex machine. I prefer spending time with my romantic partners in other ways.
2. Someone who can provide frequent sexual satisfaction to their partner. There's a belief that all women want total sex machines for boyfriends and husbands, but that's simply not true.
See also: machine, sex
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a sexually promising person; a person obsessed with sex. Heidi looks like such a sex-machine, but she is a real wallflower.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sex machine
  • have sex
  • be on the game
  • the sex talk
  • on the game
  • polished
  • knob
  • get (one's) knob polished
  • get one’s knob polished
  • fallen woman
References in periodicals archive
Evidence that, like Sandy in Grease, he has suddenly transmogriphied from a goody two-shoes bible basher to a suave, sophisticated sex-machine is in extremely short supply.
Compare and contrast to Robbie Williams, a feeble makeweight in Take That who has somehow contrived to re-invent himself (in Britain at least) as a sex-machine superstar.
Highly respected and vastly paid actor, ugly-beautiful sex-machine with string of babe girlfriends, tough man who writes songs as a sideline in case we haven't realised just how deep he really is...
It's good, red flesh and blood that turns a man into a sex-machine, declares an American nutritionist.
The highly photogenic, clear-eyed Zielcke brings some luster to her sex-machine role, and Kahl (who also co-produced) is perfect as her ranting, sex-obsessed partner.