

slang A derisive term for transparently or suspiciously ostentatious behavior of a lower- or middle-class person. A shortened form of "bourgeois." She leased an Escalade because she's totally bougie and wants everyone to think she has money. You'll never catch a bougie girl combing through the racks at a secondhand store—only the best for her!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a middle-class person. (From bourgeoisie.) I live in a neighborhood of buzhies.
2. mod. middle-class. I live in a buzhie house and drive a buzhie car.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • buzhie
  • snowflake
  • snowflakes
  • (special) snowflake
  • special
  • social justice warrior
  • ape
  • ape (one's) behavior
  • behaviour
  • Stacy
References in periodicals archive
The Vie Scope and Voir Bougie allows EMS Providers an optimal view of the vocal cords and accurate, quick placement of the endotracheal tube ensuring prompt ventilation for the patient.
An aspiration catheter (as a bougie) was placed aside for lesser curvature through the gastrotomy.
In Group B, aTalwalkar's bougie (flexible bougie of 4 mm diameter and 700 mm length, Figure 1) was gently introduced through the selected nostril till it reached the oropharynx.
(c) Types of intervention: balloon and bougie dilation
Size of bougie [11] and distance of resection from the pylorus [12] are the two main preoperative factors known to have an effect on weight loss result.
Giving wide berth around the calibration tube or sizing bougie in the antrum and around the incisura minimizes narrowing, and suturing the omentum to the mid and distal staple line pexes the lower stomach to discourage twist or partially obstructing deformity.
succinylcholine 75mg i.v--Laryngoscopy performed with difficulty due to inadequate mouth opening and restricted neck movement (Cormack & Lehane grade 3)--Et tube cuffed oral pvc 7mm cuffed tried with the help of malleable bougie but failed--Airway than secured with oral pvc 6.5mm id ET tube assisted with bougie
The bougie consists of two independent tubular bougies and disk-like devices to measure stricture length behind every bougie.
It's no coincidence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been reiterating during his public appearances that "if the gap in their favor increases, Tzipi Livni and Bougie Herzog will head the next government." If Netanyahu looks worried, it's no act.
The end-point of dilatation was reached as soon as the waist disappeared and resistance was encountered on passage of the balloon catheter or bougie. The maximum size of the balloon corresponded to the diameter of the adjacent normal oesophagus.
Blogger, motivational speaker, lifestyle coach, and Navy veteran Lakisha Watson-Moore--"a proud African American woman who loves to discuss issues that empower Black women"--is the founder of BOUGIE BLACK GIRL (, where visitors can ponder this declaration: "I am a proud Black woman.--I am the original woman and true reflection of the creator's image.--My womb birthed many nations.--I love myself deeply completely and unconditionally.--Every inch of myself is intelligent, beautiful, graceful and amazing.
NNA- The Secretary General of the Government Presidency, Sohail Bougie, issued Tuesday a memorandum in which he determined the beginning of the daylight saving time (DST)midnight of the last Saturday of March.
Petite derniere du clan Kardashian-Jenner, sans compter Penelope et North, les filles respectives de Kourtney et Kim Kardashian qui prendront sans nul doute la releve dans quelques annees, Kylie Jenner a souffle hier (samedi 10 aout) une nouvelle bougie, sa 16eme...
Bates; two sons, Steve Bartlett and Robert Bougie Jr; four daughters, Karen and Susan Bartlett, Tami Hamel and Lauren Bougie; a brother, Ken Foskett; a sister, Joyce Potter; 10 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
at Carbondale, and Bougie (marketing and business research methods, TiasNimbas Business School, the Netherlands) introduce students to business research.