| Undy House, Undy, Magor:
Bought for PS660,000 in August 2007.
10 Rowell Road LLC
bought 10 Rowell Road from Lilliput Properties LLC for $425,000.
Berks County Real Estate Transactions
The number
bought under Help to Buy equates to about one in 12 of all house sales in Flintshire.
Help to Buy setting many on first step of property ladder; One in 12 buyers in county used scheme over past year
Many products
bought for special occasions are quickly abandoned.
Worth every cent: there's more to being a smart consumer than simply slashing your budget
Suppose Fred and Sue sold their purple duplex on December 20, 2005, for $100,000 and
bought New Property on March l, 2006.
What year is 'boot' taxable in a 1031?
Now the debt is gone and she's on her second "Dave Ramsey car," a used 2002 Honda she
bought with cash.
Maxed out: the spiritual cost of personal debt
bought North Star Steel because it has operations throughout the central United States, not where Ameristeel has them, in the eastern and southeastern part of the country.
Smart shopper: Brazilian steel giant Gerdau, a family business at heart, is growing fast abroad
But I should have
bought those extra hundred shares when I had the chance.
Black Thursday: the great Wall Street crash of 1929
"CEOs are experts at many things, especially making widgets," he says, "but they are not necessarily experts at weighing the variables associated with buying a plane." Almy speaks from years of experience; he has spent time in the executive suite with more than 45 CEOs to determine why they
bought business aircraft.
Taking flight: when and why you should buy a corporate jet
Ultimately, says Jim Jensen, executive director of the Montana Environmental Information Center, a nonprofit advocacy group in Helena, the taxpayers bear the costs when land is
bought instead of regulated.
Environmental buyouts: protection at a price
The signal event for that phenomenon was, of course, Sotheby's 1973 auction of works from the collection of taxi-fleet entrepreneur Robert Scull, in which--at a time when one faction of the avant-garde was trying like hell to subvert the market by making deliberately uncollectible installations, performances, and Earthworks--two pieces by Robert Rauschenberg originally
bought for a total of $3,400 sold for $175,000.
Cents and sensibility: collecting the '80s
Beware of resellers who sell produce they have
bought themselves.
Support your community by buying local: Charlie Jackson's how-to guide for finding the freshest down-home fruits and veggies
Life settlements are an outgrowth of the shrinking viatical business, which
bought policies insuring people with life expectancies of two years or less.
Cashing out: Big banks and insurers are putting money into the business of buying unwanted life insurance policies, a trend that foreshadows growth for the still-new industry. (Life/Health)
bought her a diamond silver ring which she loves."
Does your man know what you really want?; Caroline Storah puts four couples to a Mr and Mrs Christmas test
Although this car has given me much pleasure, I still can't figure out exactly why I
bought it.
How I Bought My Red Miata